The Sun beyond the Horizons

 If wishes were horses , every beggar would ride them"

An old English proverb.

I find this proverb very Gilded....of Edwardian Era......the royals looking down at the lesser privileged.

We humans have feelings.Hence wishes,Aspirations,desires come in born naturally in us.

At each passing age,the wishes and desires are different. Some realistic.....and at times unrealistic. 

But who decides or differentiates  ....the real from the unreal......achievable from ..absolute unachievable........

Once as a 3yr old,I remember praying with all my heart aloud to Raghavendra Swamiji for a Compass Box.My innocent and sincere prayer touched the heart of a relative standing next to me.....and a Compass Box was gifted to me.

As kids ,many of our innocent such wishes do come true.But as we age,our wishes,desires and Aspirations grow big as an Ocean......and Life becomes a Ship sailing towards Horizons........Endless and Unreachable.

As a teen,I aspired to become a Doctor. 

I worked very hard and my parents even more fulfill their dear daughter's dreams.

I lost on the best medical college in Mumbai by a whisker but secured admission to one of the good medical colleges in Sewagram. 

In 2nd year, I lost my Maternal grandmother who brought me up and I was very much attached to her.I was miserable and the harsh climate of Sewagram added to my dear Aunts took my grandmother 's dear Brother started visiting me dear cousins wrote to me frequently......and boosted my morales.My loving classmates in Sewagram motivated me and I completed my 5and half years of MBBS. 

Dear Friends,the Journey of Life is very similar to a ship sailing across a vast ocean trying to reach the Horizons. 

As humans we are bound to have desires,wishes and ambitions.

When the path gets rough, the desires and ambition appears unrealistic and unachievable. A feeling of remorse and dejection starts creeping into us.A feeling of incompleteness in life does arise making our journey unstable and unwanted. 

In this journey......there is always a Sun at the Horizons.......the beautiful people around us......who brighten us,provide that ray of light....a hope.......These people create Everlasting memories which make life worth living.They bring joy and happiness into our life......knowingly....unknowingly.......intentionally......unintentionally. 

Just like the beautiful Sun shining bright at the Horizons. 

If we view our life only at the Horizons.......the journey seems endless and unrealistic. 

But if we focus only at Bright Sun at the end of Horizons.........we get to appreciate the vast beauty of the shining waters of the Huge Ocean, the glistening nature and a feeling of gratitude, pragmatism and a memorable experience surrounds us.

So friends .......Sun Beyond Horizons.......appreciate and same time try to be that Sun in somebody else's life.


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