
Showing posts from December, 2022

My Mini-me

 My Mini -me.......   My Mini-me has my blood.......we sharing the same Blood group.... But she doesn't look like me....... We share the XX chromosome...... But she is exactly like her Papa......... As a kid she wanted to buy a 2 seater Ferrari.... And take only her Papa with her....... But yesterday she with concern calls up" Mom,did you take steam and hot water for your Sinusitis as temperatures are dropping."........ I see my Mini-me Growing up into a confident individual....... I know she has always been a part of mine....... Though she says" I love my Papa more"....... But in heart she wants to be like her Momma........ Me and my Mini-Me.  By Dr Tripti Milind Galgali  Dr Galgali Shushrusha Nursing home, IBRoad, Deshpande nagar, Hubli. Mobile 9900199656 Email:

RI: Relationships Index

 I am for you.You are for me. We are forever. Golden words we all pledge to each other for any relationship in life..... whether in Family or Friends.....anywhere,anytime for everyone we love, we care for....... Today, Social media......of any kind is flooded with Relationship goals and advice. But as a Paradox, why are we facing an alarming rise of broken relations,disheartened souls,dejection, depression and unhappiness in general.  Why are we seeing such low RI: Relationship Index. In any relationship, at any phase or at any point...there is never equal 50:50 contribution between the 2 partners.Either it is 70:30  and at times 80:20. The survival of the relationship depends upon how much importance the 2 people in that particular relationship ....give to that relationship rather than themselves.  What is the secret of lasting relationships which our parents, and their parents had with one another??????  What is the reason of high HI: Happiness index in them????? My blog on this is j