My Mini-me

 My Mini -me.......  

My Mini-me has my blood.......we sharing the same Blood group....

But she doesn't look like me.......

We share the XX chromosome......

But she is exactly like her Papa.........

As a kid she wanted to buy a 2 seater Ferrari....

And take only her Papa with her.......

But yesterday she with concern calls up" Mom,did you take steam and hot water for your Sinusitis as temperatures are dropping."........

I see my Mini-me

Growing up into a confident individual.......

I know she has always been a part of mine.......

Though she says" I love my Papa more".......

But in heart she wants to be like her Momma........

Me and my Mini-Me. 


Dr Tripti Milind Galgali 

Dr Galgali Shushrusha Nursing home, IBRoad, Deshpande nagar, Hubli.

Mobile 9900199656



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