Mid-life PIVOT

 Midlife ,by definition, is age between 40-50 years of age.

In life,we get pulled in all directions- responsibilities of home and Relationships, professional commitments, health issues of our own and dear ones,Aged parents....etc etc.

By the time,we reach midlife....Whole process becomes a Rat Race......ever running on a treadmill trying to compromise, play truce and ever working hard reaching deadlines.

In due course,life reaches a PLATEAU as we surrender ourselves totally hands down to all challenges life throws at us.Monotony,Frustration and Dejection.......

State of Hibernation.....Stage of Inertia. 

At this juncture of life.......if we want to be relevant........Change or Momentum in life......

"PIVOTING " is the Mantra. 

Change must be constant.Stay relevant to grow in your life.

PIVOTING in Midlife.....is not easy....but not difficult also .Life is conflicting.Accepting the challenges,managing the lapses of time and most importantly Patience with ourselves.......

How to Pivot....resurrection of life.....resurrect ourselves ........??????

Life is a learning process. There is no barrier to learn new ever in life....especially Age.

A new hobby,Art,New language,Skill development, new skills.....just choose your process.Plan the entire process of learning diligently and calmly.

Agreed,introduction of and Shift or Change from Routine is very difficult and not easily acceptable for everyone. Resurrection takes time.A calculated and meticulous plan helps reinventing yourself successful. 

Here,I would give example of Actor Legend Shri Amitabh Bachchan.He resurrected and reinvented himself during Midlife through " Kaun Banega Crorepati"....on Television. His shift to a different media helped him to resurrect his career graph and rest of his success then onwards ...we are seeing till " Unchaii"......

PIVOTING in Midlife is testing too.Break down the entire graph into small baby steps.Take one challenge at a time.Optimism and Patience is key here.

Dear Friends,PIVOTING is a SOLO project.

When life reaches a stage of PLATEAU.dull and dredging......Bring in that Pivot.......this time for Yourself.....Your Happiness.....Your satisfaction.........

If not now.....then when.......

For once Babes.....be selfish......for yourself......



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