This used to be my playground

 This used to be my playground.....

This used to be the place I ran to....

Whenever I needed a Friend....

School days are the best days....Friends made there remain lifelong.....

As School is the longest period we are together if we have been since 3yrs of age in Nursery till High school....maybe almost a decade or so.Growing up together and facing infancy to puberty. 

The friends made in school and college are more close as they accept us as a person as we are....not as XYZ professional. 

After education, all of us due to professional and family commitments drift apart. But, here, I must thank WhatsApp and Facebook to bring us together if not physically but virtual media....yes.

Zoom meetings gave a new meaning to Reunions.

Few years later some of us do make efforts meeting each other on that same playground.....walking across the same corridors of school or college. Sitting on those wooden benches.Looking to the now empty blackboard and Bulletin boards.

Reminiscing those days.

Reunions are memorable.

It's great meeting each other after so many years.

The naughtiest boy has now sobered down and become a serious CEO. 

The shy, timid, curly haired girl sitting quite at the is strong, Extrovert, HR head.

The " Bomb " of the class is now a Mother of 2 teens.

The Nerds remain same and some have changed.

But when we meet on that goes back to when we were small.....the bantering and jokes, pulling each other, mock fights.....all seems like yesterday.

We part with promises to be in touch and meet often.....

But promises are meant to be broken.....

But memories remain forever......


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