Chugging down the Memory Train.

 Chug Chug Train

Choo Choo Choo

Clickety Clack Clicket Clack

Down the track

Coming into the Station 

Climb on Aboard

Enjoy your ride.

Choo Choo Choo Train.

Train journey is most memorable. Though very long but exciting and full of fun.

The maximum number of times I have traveled till date by Train has been during my MBBS years between Mumbai and Wardha.

Two trains I often took are

Vidarbha Express....most journey was night journey. 

Sewagram Express....mostly Day journey. 

Sewagram Express was preferred at end of every University Exams as it left Wardha Station at 10.30 pm.

Vidarbha Express was taken when Home Sickness  brought a sudden urge to visit home in Mumbai . Suddenly at end of a Practical period, I would run to my Head of Department for permission to go home.Infirm Hostel Warden.....reach the station to catch the 5 30pm Vidarbha Express.....most times wearing my White Doctors Coat.

For quite many years MGIMS, Sewagram was the only medical college in that vicinity.

So most fellow travelers recognized the White Doctors Coat.The Doctors and Students were respected a lot by public and Rail authorities too.

Seeing a Homesick Medical student brought lots of sympathy from fellow travelers and Rail Authorities. 

The fellow travelers offered to share their seat and berth for the entire night journey. They also shared the Dinner they packed with them for the journey. " Poor Hostel staying Medical student "

The TC would akways help securing a reserved berth somewhere sonehow most times.

The entire route between Mumbai and Wardha had some stations I have fond memories. 

Lasangaon.....1hr before Wardha station. Distinctly remembered if we were traveling by Sewagram Express .Thus Train reached Wardha station early morning 4 setting our alarm watch and asking around about Lasangaon....and waking other friends was exciting. Lasangaon is Onion Exporter to whole country and abroad.The white onions of Lasangaon are sweet and tasty.

Nashik and Deolali cantonment. These hill stations enroute brought down temperatures suddenly. Nagpur being very hot.

Deolali cantonment is scenic with lush greenery around.

Nashik being close to Shirdi...We Doctors have got down here to proceed further to Shirdi for SaiBaba Darshan during our internship period. Also some kind parents of Nashik friends would drop in at station and give us packets of yummy food for the further journey. 

Mumbai to Wardha is almost 16hrs Train journey. MGIMS had many students from Mumbai. Most of the times, we all Mumbai students travelled together. We would enjoy the great food packed by our parents for the journey, play Antakshari, sing songs,play card games and dumbcharades.We would crack jokes,imitate our teachers......Very memorable experiences. 

One incident I would like to share.

one Train journey, wanted to use washroom late Midnight....I was so sleepy and tired maybe after some exams.....couldn't find my slippers. So wire my Friend 's .

The train suddenly jolted.....and I saw one slipper...slip off .....traveled into the Toilet Hole.....and beneath the train on the track.

I panicked, woke my friend.We luckily found the TC in front of the bogie on platform. He arranged for a porter who went below the train and brought the slipper. I gave him 50Rs. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!

Another Train I took was GT Express during my Internship. It came at Wardha East Station and went to Delhi. GT Express has a great pantry at the last bogie at end of train.I went all the way to the pantry early morning and requested cook to give me Black Filter Coffee. He gave me fresh decoction of great Filter coffee and didn't charge at all.

During our Reunion, we Mumbai Alumnii thought of chugging down the Vidarbha Express memory Train. Unfortunately we didn't get reservations. 

Obviously, at this age neither will we travel without reservations nor will the TC be kind to accommodate us in reserved compartments..... Right.

whenever we all think of MBBS days.....the first to be cherished by all of us is the wonderful train journey we all enjoyed together.........

Chug Chug Chug 



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