
Recently, I saw a short film in Marathi"  शंभराव स्थळ " on YouTube. 

The 2 protagonists were in 30s.Both met each other through a marriage bureau. 

Both - Boy and Girl were perfect for each other- Good salary,Position, Family, Good looking etc.

But Same time- Absolute Mismatch- Perspectives. 

Perspective towards life was totally different. 

One was fully focused to career,calculative,practical. Other loved Life as it flowed.

Cut 2.....

I was casually chatting with my friend regarding life in marriage after 2 decades. Both of us Good careers,good partners,settled family- PLATEAU.

But my Radiologist friend commented " Zindagi Black and White Xray film jaise hai abhi"

In most Indian families.....Marriage between on basis of Career,Degree,Position. 

An invisible deal. Never do the 2 people ever discuss " PERSPECTION"

After decades, Pers pective towards life changes and most couples end up as separate individuals wanting different things in life.

A Black and white Xray Film.

How do we bring color into this Film?

Two individuals- Thinking, Opinionated,Idealistic- can never have same Persoection towards Life.

Then how do two perfect individuals who are Perfectly Mismatch......sustain decades of Imperfections. 

LOVE and TRUST play an amazing cupid between the two.

That brings into will to stay together in harmony.

Difference of opinion, clashes,disagreement will always inevitably be there.

I feel the only common Perspection towards life which should bind two individuals is LIFE. 

Seeing life......but through different Camera but enjoying the Film called LIFE together .

How many of you agree with me?

The Blog is written in celebration of VALENTINES DAY. 

Enjoy being together in LOVE with your love .


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