The Invisible Leash.

 One day,a Scientist conducted an experiment on his pet Dog.

The first week, he dragged his violent barking dog with a long leash and tied the leash to cot.The dog barked the whole day,trying to tug himself off the leash. But he wasn't successful. This went on for a week. 

The 2nd week, he dragged the protesting dog again with the leash and acted as if he was tying the leash to the cot.But in actuality, there was no knot. But this time, the dog didn't tug but just kept barking the whole week  

The 3rd week, the dog had got so used to being " Tied " to the cot the whole day.....that he himself went to the assigned place and sat there the whole day .

Life is also similar. The daily drudgery and monotony in our life sucks us so much into the whirlpool......that the Invisible Leash.....ties us down. We accept Life by succumbing to its challenges. We refuse to disentangle ourselves off that Invisible Leash.

Friends, Acceptance of Challenges is good but Succumbing to them is wrong.

Break off that Invisible Leash .

If your job sucks, a person sucks,situations suck...... Disentangle yourself from them.

Life is full even without them.

Engage yourself in activities which excite you.

Surround yourself with people who motivate you.

Bring in Spirituality in life to calm down and organise your thoughts.

Always learn, read and improve your thought process. 

Life is Fun. Life is that exam which is new every day and challenging. Life throws situations which only we need to face Nobody can dictate the answers to the questions nor solve the sums Life sets for us. 

Unleash yourself. Set yourself free.

Life is full of surprises. Unbox it. Relish it. Enjoy it.

As they say......

Zindagi Na Mile Dobara.


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