Will you be my Valentine ♥

 Tomorrow is 14th February. Valentine's Day.

Day  every one professes undying love to the one close to their heart.

Past few days,whole social media and marketing media is set to show you ways to spend your pockets and your hearts 💕 and make your Valentine happy.

This 14th February.....my dear Friends.....

For a change.....

Ask your own self.......

Will you be my Valentine ♥?????

Today, surveys are being conducted to rate Happiness Quotient.

The increasing number of Unhappy people is alarming. 

Anxiety, Depression, Disgruntle, Dejection, Animosity......

Towards ourselves,our Body, our Relationships, our Work,Our Country,our Surroundings......

This is causing Mental issues, Stress related disorders like Heart problems, Diabetes,Hormonal imbalance, Obesity, Sleep disorders, Infertility, etc.

Relationships between Parent and kids,Family members, Husband and wife,Coworkers are getting broken.

We keep going to different places, trying out various ways to Inner Peace......Vipassana Centres,Yoga,Meditation, Diets,Holistic healing......Umpteen things......

But absolutely nothing seems to improve our Life.

So .......my dear Friends......

Let's fall in Love with ourselves first. 

Let's Love ourselves Unconditionally.

Just like a Mother towards her child.....

A pet showers affection to Owner...

Let us ACCEPT ourselves, our Body,our Life.....they way it is.

Let us stop Expecting absolutely nothing from ourselves. 

Sadhguru in one of his talks says....

People are unhappy when they start Comparing themselves, their Life,their relationships, kids,jobs,lifestyle, status,Position.....even their Happiness Index with others.

The day we concentrate only on ourselves, our lives,relationships, kids,life and lifestyle Only for our happiness........

The true meaning of Inner Peace will be understood .Calmness ,Tranquility, Self appreciation will be discovered by us.

To this if we add Spiritualism and Philanthropy.....

Healthy eating habits......

Healthy Lifestyle...

I think we will be our TRUE VALENTINE. 


Does the sun forget to rise? 

Does the earth forget to rotate? 

Do the flowers forget to bloom? 

Then my darling, 

how do you forget 

to love yourself? 

Our body is a divine creation 

Change cannot diminish its beauty 

People will come, people will go

Loving yourself is only but your duty

Love, in itself is a beautiful experience 

If it stood against the world in war everything else would be nothing but dust 

as compared to love 

Who can share love or sell it? 

At the end, all that matters 

is you love yourself 

and this love is immortal 

and eternal

By Dr Varsha Bangarshettar 


Ashoka Hospital 

Hubli, Karnataka 


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