A Step Back....

 A Step Back

This blog is for those young girls who are ambitious, go getters and highly skilled professionals. The ones who are on brink of motherhood.The ones married to equal partners belonging to professional families.

Nobody forces us or thrusts Authority on us.

Our decisions for our life is at our own free will and our terms. 

I do not preach,endorse or ridicule any other individuals. 

My blogs are  experiences and my views. 

I have been a hardworking and intelligent kid.My academic career has been excellent. My family has always doted on me and everyone has been very proud of me.In short " Ideal Idol" for many to follow.

I have had an equally successful professional career as a Freelance private practicing Anaesthesiologist. That too after birth of my 2 kids.But when the kids, I felt, had reached an age where they needed me emotionally and physically both.....and I personally wanted to be a part of their curriculum and growing up stages......I decided to remove my foot off the accelerator pedal of my profession.

I didnt quit .I respected my hard work and my Degree, My skills and knowledge. 

I just took a step or 2 back.

Dear Friends,it is very conflicting decision for a person of my caliber. 

I have always given my 💯 % on whatever I have done.

But here I was....now giving less than 100% .

Here I will share with you some personal experiences....thoughts and feelings. 

Was I appreciated.....NO.

As I was not full time home maker nor mother.....couldn't give  💯% here.....

As I cut down  my Surgical cases,didnt do Intensive care, refused many Operations.....I was termed unprofessional. 

My family who had seen me highly ambitious till date......were disappointed with my decision to quit the race towards 1st Rank. Seeing me satisfied with mediocrity, average career performance...didnt  go well with them.They had very high expectations from me.But I felt that myself failed in that front.

Emotionally, yes,it does feel I don't put it as remorse.....but watching your junior colleagues surpass you on professional front....dies touch you.

But in course of time....when things fall in right places....you get sense of satisfaction. 

My decisions were never thrust on me.It was my own.Many ridiculed me.I was compared to my peers.Even termed as a Failure in the Corporate race.

Today,I am not only financially independent as I didn't quit completely. I am happy with my professional progress.

My family is now independent of me.My kids are independent and well grounded individuals today.

I  may not be today Numero Uno Anaesthesiologist. I may not famous nor very rich.

But I am satisfied with my efforts .

My one step back.....in my life.....helped me maintain a fulfilling  Work Life Balance.

My one step back helped me find my love for penning these blogs along with dance hobby.

Sometimes, at some point of time.....a step back.......

pushes you many steps ahead in other aspects ...

So if you are in that conflicting stage.....

A Step Back.......

does help.


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