
 Atmaja= Daughter 


Sanskrit synonyms for my Prodigy. 

My mini - me is an individual different in form but shares my Atma= Soul.

I write this blog sharing my Motherhood experiences with my Atmaja/ daughter/son.

Motherhood is indeed a beautiful feeling which keeps changing as the prodigy starts growing. 

Infancy brings the warmth of small fingers clasping your hand.The warmth and sweet smell of their bodies and breath when they snuggle close to you.The milestones and their curiosity about the world and people around.

Teens bring the rebel in them.Yes at times it us frustrating and very challenging dealing with their Gen Z outlook towards everting and everyone.It is this phase where parenting skills read in books go into burner.The true test of my Motherhood actually came into picture.It tested my patience, my values, my understanding of everything......I was actually the one crossing the test of time.

When they were at brink of adulthood, I was made to realise my falacies and ignorance about most aspects in life. PARADOX. All these years, I was the guiding I became the Bogie following my Double Engines. 

Here I must share some thoughts about my journey.

The Teens and brink to Adulthood phase is exciting for both Parent and child. But frustrating too.

Initially, it did take some time for me as a Mother to accept my Atmah/ja......were growing as two different opinionated individuals. 

Though they came out of me,looked like me but they were not me. They both were different individuals. 

I needed lot of guidance at this phase in true sense.

Every parent sees themselves in their kids.Whatever they lacked or didnt get or couldn't achieve.....they search or aspire from their kids.

As parent,we can guide and support but enforcement leads to rebel or submission.....both not good for individual development of the kids.

This phase is like flying kite in the sky.

Right amount of pressure at the right time is needed for the kite to fly across the vast blue sky.

Excees of anything is not good. 

Be it Freedom or Regimed parenting. 

When my both kids flew the nest fir their future education and careers.....I was overprotective....always instructions and dos/ don't s .....

Especially when they joined medical school and opted hostel life.

I loved sharing with them my experiences and my mistakes.

Let me highlight a comment from my kids 

" Mom,don't prepare us for everything. Don't protect us from everything. Let us too experience the joys of a novice in medical school. Let life too throw surprises at us. Allow us to make mistakes.Allow us to fall  Let us face despair, feel dejection, get disappointed.How we as individuals react to similar situations will be very different and how we feel about similar issues or experiences will be different.....because though we are your progeny but remember we are different personalities ". some point in our life....our progeny becomes our teacher. 

My Atmah/ja are today away from me but they now are my guiding souls. 


  1. Dear you are the only one contributing some thing in the MGIMS alumini group,keep doing that.The narrative on progeny can not be viewed as alien to ways of nature. There was beautifull small Hindi translation from Gita available to us MGIMSonians since begining.Most ridiculed that and remained naive to get baffled with unexpected interactions of progeny.A tree retains beauty in old age and death,so does a bird.But we look ugly and unbearable,why?The amount of ego which includes Maya moh kaam krodh mad lobh etc cause serious chemical Locha in brain which transmitted to each corners and crevices of body to disfigure them from nature's design.All sanskara are to be done in limited age spans.Lots for child hood,some for adolescence few for early youth and then only when asked for in years after that.If this dictum is ignored there will be normally conflict,but if no conflict,damage to confidence building of child.In the full adult if you want to communicate something tell that privately in clear terms without mincing words.But this should not be a guidance,but only your understandings of pros and cons. Hope dear you find sense in my view point.with warm regards...Dr Bajarang Pandey १९७० batch.

  2. Your blog beautifully brings out the joys and irritants of the motherhood. Your description - "I was earlier their guiding force, and now I am the bogie following my double engines" - beautifully describes life as one big full circle.


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