
 Mangalyam Tantunanena mama Jeevan Hetuna

Two people in love......take sacred vows of love and commitment towards each other.Take 7 rounds or Parikrama around the sacred 🔥 Fire....

The Groom and Bride hold each other's hands and pledge to each other...with the whole family ...near and dear ones as witness ......

I will protect you .I will support you.I will face all odds and obstacles  that come our way.I will face fire and walk across fire for you .I will treat your family as mine.

Thus, they vow hundreds of lives together.The Groom ties the sacred Mangalsutra around the Bride's neck as testimony of Marriage  .

Lavish weddings.....Grand pre-wedding, wedding and post wedding rituals, photo-shoots.....

Prophesying undying love to each other on every Social Media by captions,Pouts,selfies, gifts,Hashtags,Emojis  .....and what not.

I always wonder.......two people so much deep in love with each other......

After few lives together  ......draw blood.....bring out dagger  ....against each other.

The alarming rise in Separation and Divorce  .....ugly fights over settlements,alimony and custody of kids........the whole process is disappointing. 

As a Feminist, when I hear a woman raising her voice against domestic violence, abuse,Dowry harassment......

One part of me rejoices over Woman Empowerment. And one feels happier when society supports her in her fight.

But other end ,it is matter of shame....even in 21st century, we still live in a patriarchal society where a woman has to fight for her self respect and dignity. Even Today, men still consider themselves superior enough to hurt their wives and society encourages them to carry on with that attitude disappointing and surreal. 

Education is being provided to everyone. But values is lacking still.

Every day, the newspaper and social media gives statistics of Divorces in our country .The sudden increase in Disgruntle and Disharmony in two individuals in marriage is thought provoking. 

I am not a marriage counselor. Nor am I an authority over the institution or subject called Marriage. 

But I get appalled seeing two individuals prophess their undying love to each other on Instagram or Virtual world...but in Reality their marriage or commitment to each other fails the true test of time .They do Parikrama around the sacred fire...but their vows couldn't cross the test of fire 🔥. Love fizzled out just like the fizz off their famous Coke. 

Marriage is not just about love between two adults. 

It includes Respect,Empathy,Commitment and Trust towards each other.

Marriage can never survive if there is even a pinch of Ego,Apathy, Stagnation, Disrespect and at times mere Infatuation between the two partners. 

Then lavish weddings and grand photo shoots without understanding the true meaning of Institution of sheer mockery of sacred rituals. 

A Society is called Progressive not by only Education....Books and Degrees.

Every individual should get equal rights, respect and dignity. 

Irrespective of gender or color or race......every one has right to quality life, have thoughts and opinions of their own.Every individual has right to their own Individuality  ....a Separate Entity.

Restricting any individual in name of anything is degressive. 

If the Institution of Marriage has to survive the test of time......Commitment and Respect towards each other is must.

Just saying " I Love You" is not enough.Support, Understanding, and Empathy to each others needs,feelings and opinions is required between two people committed in marriage. 

The vows of Being there for each other till Death Do us Apart........

A small turbulence in our lives.....draws each other apart.Is commitment towards two consenting individuals so weak and flimsy?

Here a little bit of Spiritualism does play a big role in strengthening the bonds of marriage. 

True love in Marriage is not union of two individuals physically  ....but it is a spiritual union of two souls .

Marriages are made in Heaven.

Let two people in love strive to make Heaven in their Marriage on Earth ......

Till Death Do us Apart.......


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