
 I happened to be in a city where I knew an acquaintance.It was a Sunday.Luckily he was there at home. He actually gave me an appointment of 1 hour or so. No hard feelings.Metropolitans are very busy.

Getting to make them spend their precious  Sunday Rest for someone like me.....made me feel special.Indeed!!!

So I reached his place and rang the doorbell. For half an hour nobody answered the door.I had informed at enterance of his apartment and no mobile network inside premises.

My Friend apologized as he was busy with a work related call.

I entered the drawing room....saw his son,a robust 12 year old sitting and engrossed in a game on his IPad.His mother was also at home but in her bedroom locked. 

Neither the kid nor his mother acknowledged my presence.

My Friend asked the maid to offer me Water,Snacks and Tea....while he excused himself to attend the important call for few minutes.

I was left spending my time alone with a teen next to me on his IPad. I tried some casual conversation but got only Eh/ Neh/ no idea.

After 45 min,the Lady of House came out of her bedroom...." Sunday is the only Me Time I get".... then some casual talks and I was sent off with an expensive gift.

This is not one of rare incidences.This is very common nowadays.

So when you come across an impudent, arrogant, misbehaving Gen not get surprised nor offended.

Today,we have lots of Money to spend on our near and dear ones.But we don't have our precious time to talk or spend some " Quality " time with them.

Education is easily available. Today's parents spend lots of money teaching so many curricular and extra curricular activities to their kids. Fancy curriculums, variety of learning styles and forms----Sports,Arts,Cooking,Trekking,Robotics,Coding,Animation......everything under the Sun.

But what is not taught is Sanskara...Values,Ethics,Etiquette.

and Sanskriti... culture,history and traditions. 

With modernisation, Nuclear family concept being the" In" thing......

the onus of raising a kid falls entirely on the Parent/ Parents.

So as no extended family there to guide or support.....Social media ,You Tube,Influencers, DIY Books....." How to raise your child"....... have become teaching aides to a new Parent.

Schools under pressure of Political leaders, unscrupulous Corporate culture don't want to include Moral Science or Any such class or session which would teach a kid values,Ethics,culture,traditions. 

As the kid grows up.....The Social Media and inexperienced peers become the Teacher or Guide to Life.

Unfortunately, today's kid is tomorrow's Society.

So a disinterested,disconnected,vulnerable kid is going to be tomorrow's citizen and also Policy maker.

Dear Friends, the need for today is teaching the right Values and Way of Living to our kid. Agreed,Education is important. But it doesn't give you Knowledge. 

Knowledge and Education don't go hand in hand.

Along with Education, do introduce Sanskara and Sanskriti in the life of your kid.

Introduction of Spiritualism into an early childhood is one of the method.

Make the kid sensitised to his surroundings and people around.

Empathy towards all should be taught.

Philanthropy to lesser privileged class.

Do make efforts to teach our culture and traditions to the kid.Simple offering glass of water to house members and visitors. Pranam to God,elders,parents.Some small chants daily.

Following our culture is not Radicalism,dear Friends.

Respect to our culture,our country is not at all Radicalism. 

If we as Parents don't teach our Sanskara....our Sanskriti to our kids....

don't lament when west overpowers us entirely. 

My blog may not be appreciated nor welcomed by many.I am surely going to get trolled or get hate comments.

But these are my Blog. 


  1. You have rightly pinpointed the biggest drawback in our modern world. We are connected to the entire world. Yet we don't know and even don't care who is sitting next to us. ALIENATION will be the biggest malady of the 22nd century.


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