My Mitochondria

Today is 14th May,Mothers Day. Mata,Madre,Maa,Amma,Mummy, Mummy,Mamma...... We call her by so many names. In Hinduism,Maa Shakti,Maa Durga Godess who is form of Energy......who is most powerful.....Mother is form of energy. In our body, Energy is released in form of ATP.Every cell gets energy to perform its activity, every organ gets energy to function.....Mitochondria is known as Powerhouse of Cells in our body. So in our life......Mother is the Mitochondria of our life. The one who gives us our Life.....our Energy.... This Mothers Day, my blog is dedicated to my Biological mother, Amma,who gave me life.... My Grandmother,Ajji,who brought me up... My Aunts....Aai,Maushi, Attya.... I have been brought up by very strong Matriarchal influence. Very Very Strong Mitochondri. My Ajji lost her parents at an early age.She became a widow at a young age and had to single handedly bring up 3 young children. But she faced all difficulties with a strong heart. She was strict disciplinarian. She taught me sincerity towards anything I do. " Karmanye vadika rahasya Maa Faleshu Kadhachanha " Perform your duty with true dedication ....regardless of fruit borne in return..... My eldest Aunt,Aai,taught me values in life. As a new bride,she gave me words of wisdom. Adjust to your new surroundings...but never compromise. Different people have differentviews and way of life. Respect them.You have responsibilities in a family....never shy away from them. You represent your parents and the values with which they have brought you up....never give anybody a chance to question that. These 2 strong Mitochondri ....are no more ... But their energy, values,love remains eternal in me. Dear Friends, one need not give birth to become a Mother. Anybody who lovingly gives us in our childhood that energy to survive,face life,surrounds with so much positive energy.... is a Mother ,Goddess in human form.....Mitochondria in our body. Dedicated to all those Ladies....Shakti...who surround everyone and everybody....with Energy,Unconditional Love,Power.. My Mitochondria.


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