
Showing posts from July, 2023

Commitment: Poorna Samarpana

The Path to Success. यस्य समर्पणं कृतम Total Commitment. Recently, I heard Dr Sudha Murthy talk about her husband,Mr Narayan Murthy's Commitment and Dedication towards Infosys. She said" The success of Infosys is the total Commitment and Dedication of all its Patrons and Employees towards their work" When in education period,many students work equally hard.Some are extremely brilliant. But only few students get academic excellence. Why? The reason is Total Commitment. Just intelligence ,hard work, never guarantees success. It is Focus,Dedication and Commitment towards your goal. Once you start the Career path....all have Desire to bring innovation for a better life ...a Prosperous future. Many start with path breaking ideas. Thousands show the zeal and enthusiasm. But in due course of time, handful remain Committed to the Focus....the ultimate Goal. Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination, dedication and commitment to an unrelenting pur

A Shrub

A Shrub ....... A few days back,the social media had a video gone viral in which a kid ...maybe around 2 or 3 yrs...was being kicked,bitten,bullied,banged by her own classmate in a posh playhome in Bengaluru suburb.The parents were shocked to see the CCTV recording.What was shocking ...was to see the violent attitude of a 2 or 3 yr old kid towards his own compatriot. I would like to narrate an incident I have seen as an Anaesthesiologist in my private practice. A teen was admitted with Ulcers on his both foot which were erupting repeatedly inspite of all investigations being normal. When under sedation during his dressing, the teen blurted out that he injected into his own skin liquid mosquito repellant to cause those that he gained attention and sympathy from his parents and he managed to get from them whatever he wanted. Dear Friends, my this blog wants to highlight modern methods of parenting...... Today,due to inflation, both parents have to work long hours.The ki