A Shrub

A Shrub ....... A few days back,the social media had a video gone viral in which a kid ...maybe around 2 or 3 yrs...was being kicked,bitten,bullied,banged by her own classmate in a posh playhome in Bengaluru suburb.The parents were shocked to see the CCTV recording.What was shocking ...was to see the violent attitude of a 2 or 3 yr old kid towards his own compatriot. I would like to narrate an incident I have seen as an Anaesthesiologist in my private practice. A teen was admitted with Ulcers on his both foot which were erupting repeatedly inspite of all investigations being normal. When under sedation during his dressing, the teen blurted out that he injected into his own skin liquid mosquito repellant to cause those Ulcers....so that he gained attention and sympathy from his parents and he managed to get from them whatever he wanted. Dear Friends, my this blog wants to highlight modern methods of parenting...... Today,due to inflation, both parents have to work long hours.The kids are in the hands of caretakers.....could be grandparents or servants or creche caregivers. So either the parenting method is very strict at times involving Corporal methods or over protective, over caring . Recently Competitive exams like IITJEE,NEET,CLAT,CET,CUET,results have been declared. The very next day,newspapers and social advertising sires got flooded with banners and posters flashed with faces of Toppers.I was appalled seeing so many students getting perfect scores. Indeed the feat is creditable. But what is surreal is the amount of pressure...mental and physical......lots of stress....the 18yr olds have at such a young age. In one of the Alumnii meeting of a prestigious institute in India......the discussion was...... The quality of Research and Development in India in all fields of highly skilled professions like Medicine,Engineering, Science ( Pure and Applied)..... Today, inspite of increase in Perfect scores,High cutoffs and brilliant academic performance by majority students.....what lacked was Application of Knowledge in Practical Life. The students failed in applying their Theoretical knowledge for benefit of society through Research and Development of new Ideas and innovative products which would benefit humane society. The reason behind this is Parenting methods. At a young age.....as young as 5 yrs......the kid is enforced to enter the professional academic rat race....... The overall physical,mental,emotional development of the kid is overlooked and only attention is forced upon the kid without his own will on High scores and some particular subjects. This results in .....only outstanding academic performance by the kid but kid lacks social skills and emotional attachment. The creativity ,innovative, empathy feeling or inclination or drive is just not attributed in the kid. Lack of social interaction since childhood results in less tolerance, aggression,impulsive behavior. This results in Depression, Aggression,Domestic violence, Mob rage,Rage in work place......and multiple mental health issues. The entire social strata of the society is seen deteriorating nowadays. Dear Friends, kid is A SHRUB. It is in our hands as a Parent who we take care of THE SHRUB. Empathy,Sympathy, Love,Tender care and overall development if showered ..... THE SHRUB flowers into a Beautiful Rose..... Otherwise it either wilts or it may grow wide into a Threatening WEED. Here,I would like to add Patriotism, Loyalty and Spiritualism. These 3 aspects need to be inculcated as early in childhood as possible. Empathy to others ,and responsibilities to the country,society and surrounding.....these moral values are the need of hour. Radicalism,Apathy,Selfishness and Violence( Aggression) kills not only an individual but is detrimental to the society also. A child is the Parent of a Person. Yes,it is so true.Parenting methods is never taught but we learn in our process of being parents. If we want to have a healthy society and surrounding ....we need to be right citizens. We want our Freedom.....then we need to ourselves behave responsibly and teach our protégé to behave responsibly too. Don't you all agree with my thoughts and views?


  1. Modern society is creating robots in flesh and blood. We need human beings and not machines. Sadly, neither education nor parenting, as you rightly pointed out, is doing what it should do.


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