Commitment: Poorna Samarpana

The Path to Success. यस्य समर्पणं कृतम Total Commitment. Recently, I heard Dr Sudha Murthy talk about her husband,Mr Narayan Murthy's Commitment and Dedication towards Infosys. She said" The success of Infosys is the total Commitment and Dedication of all its Patrons and Employees towards their work" When in education period,many students work equally hard.Some are extremely brilliant. But only few students get academic excellence. Why? The reason is Total Commitment. Just intelligence ,hard work, never guarantees success. It is Focus,Dedication and Commitment towards your goal. Once you start the Career path....all have Desire to bring innovation for a better life ...a Prosperous future. Many start with path breaking ideas. Thousands show the zeal and enthusiasm. But in due course of time, handful remain Committed to the Focus....the ultimate Goal. Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination, dedication and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal-a commitment to excellence- that enables you to seek the success you need. It is not lack of Desire...... But Lack of Commitment,...why most people fail. There is a difference between Desire,Interest,Great Ideas and Commitment. Only a Committed person accepts no Excuses.Focus is only on results. The others do something only when circumstances permit them to do it. When confronted with challenges, the Committed heart will search for solutions. The undecidedheart wavers and searches to escape. A Committed heart is flexible in its approach. A Committed Heart accepts all obstacles,difficulties, Failures coming in the path of Success.A Committed Heart finds its path,the solutions and the ultimate goal. Today,a lot many have great desires,wants,expectations from their life,their education, their careers ,their relationships.....and most importantly from themselves. In this path of Desire and Expectations.....they are ever in a Pursuit of Better One. As a result, depression, anxiety and insatiety,impatient is so much in majority of people. Unhappy childhood,Broken marriages,Dissatisfied Professional Life......all lead to Unhealthy Lifestyles...... A Chaotic Society. A Non Committed person expects so much from self,Society,Relationships.......that always the Mind keeps searching for something Better than what he/ she has or achieved. A non Committed Mind fails to Focus.Finds drawbacks,and Faults......A Pessimistic Approach to Life ..... How do we develop Commitment in ourselves and our children? Commitment can never be taught. Commitment needs to grow within us in due course of time ......beginning right since childhood. The seeds for this Huge Tree called' COMMITMENT " must be sown in our minds at birth. Group activities like Sports, Arts,Creativity develops patience,tolerance and empathy towards each other. Spiritualism and Philanthropy develops Dedication and determination by virtue of Mind Control, Gratitude and Selflessness . Commitment to our Relationship- Parents,ChildrenSiblings,Spouse,Employee,Employer, Institute-- We are ever searching for the Compatibility Quotient in all our Relationships ..... Dear Friends, it's not the right Compatibility, Right Vibes,Right Mind Wavelengths....which make Happy MarriagesGreat academics,Successfully Careers...... It is Commitment to everything- Society and Nation----- which will end a Chaos around which we are seeing everywhere---- in our Life, our surroundings.....entire world. Poorna Key to Success.


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