Grass is Greener????

Grass is green there????? Happy Independence day. India is celebrating 76th yr of Independence today...15th August 2023. Every where....our Tricolor flag is being hoisted,Selfies taken.....Har Ghar Tiranga. We all pledged our love and Patriotism to our dear Nation.....even Every Indian ....OCI,NRI,.....Other Nationalities born of Indian descendants....... But tomorrow it's going to Square One. The Lust For West......restarts. It's apalling to see number of people applying for migration to the west increasing Every Year. Initially few.....but today more than 30% youth skilled and unskilled both ...don't feel like residing in India. A survey conducted showed few job opportunities as main reason. Some highly skilled workers felt west provided better lifestyle,good quality of education and more remuneration to their skills and proficiency. Few went just because everyone is leaving the country. Is Grass really more Green there???? My Family has highly qualified, highly skilled professionals from all fields.They had great opportunity abroad.But they chose to stay in India. My generation followed their footsteps. I would like to tell you my Friends....some if my Family went abroad to pursue higher degrees and expertise .....but returned back to use their knowledge for our Indian society. Yes,I didn't " Earn" as much as our friends who preferred Abroad..... I have to struggle regarding many issues here....clean drinking water,good roads,education policies,Red tapism,Corruption, Riots,violence over certain circumstances..... But still is Grass actually Green there???? I haven't gone abroad yet. So can't comment on the comparisons. But I am a firm believer.....of Loyalty to Country I am born in,my Society who raised me,my Environment I live in. My skills,my knowledge and my expertise .....whatever I got in my Nation, from my Society, my parents,my Family,my Teachers,my Surroundings.....they must be utilized for the benefit of them. I feel it's my duty and commitment to them. I would be very selfish if I keep my well being over them. Many compare their financial status ,their lifestyle, their success to their counterparts who migrated abroad for " Greener Pastures"...... Yes,their Grass may be Greener than mine in India. They might be very successful in their careers,earned Dollars,live a luxurious life,...their kids may be better educated than mine .... But a life in a Foreign Land....where I will be a kids ....termed Immigrants,..... Away from Family,away from old ailing parents....left all alone to be taken care by strangers..... Away from Society and Surroundings, which supported to reach a level so they could be qualified to be accepted abroad. Away from Family and friends who supported in difficult times..... The country which gave you skills and forgotten behind..... Is Money and your Materialistic acquisition beyond all this? Is the environment and Society which once sheltered and protected you....suddenly turns toxic ? Is your career ,lavish lifestyle more important over your Parents? This Blog is strictly for the youth who feel Grass is Greener there. This Blog salutes all those who opted Country and Family over " Better" opportunities abroad. This Blog salutes every Indian who works in India,pays taxes in India and wishes a Better India. This Blog appreciates all Parents who teach their kids true meaning of Patriotism. Just taking selfie with caption " Har Ghar Tiranga" on 15th August..and applying for citizenship in other country,aspiring abroad,....demeans the essence of " Independence Day". Ask not what India can do for you.... Ask what you can do for your India... Only then in real sense " Har Ghar mein Tirangaa Har Man mein Tirangaa Ang Ang mein Tiranga... Dil Dil mein Tirangaa" Jai Hind. Written by Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Anaesthesiologist, Dr Galgali Nursing home, Hubli,Karnataka, India.


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