Key to Happiness

Key to Happiness????? By Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Anaesthesiologist Hubli In life,every body wants to be happy. Tell me one person who doesn't pursue " Happiness"????? Ever observed a child.We admire childhood and children for their Happiness and Innocence. Innocence makes them accept everything. They find everything novel and are curious about everything around them.Small pleasures bring lot if joy to them.Any disappointment, fall,rejection is short-lived. The child gets distracted from that episode easily and suddenly ficuses on other thing which brings into them a new excitement. As we grow, we become more concious about ourselves and our surroundings. This leads to comparisons, Aspirations and Competition And the Rat Race called circle of life..... Round and round we start reach no end point.......only to stop if we get tired....and again restart..... This circle of life ' s Rat race ends only if we quit...... Happiness..... I personally feel is an Individual perception to Life. Dalai Lama says One can be happy if you like what you get.... Rather than Get what you like...... When we were kids,we were taught to share,adjust,compromise and put others opinion or sentiment before our comfort. But modern school of thoughts is teaching us to always give " I,me,myself, mine" more importance over others. So suddenly, happiness is " What I want",What I feel",What I get"...... So our pursuit to Happiness revolves only around us.....with no regards to relationships, society and surroundings. The Life based on Selfish,self centered thoughts is always dissatisfied, disgruntled and disturbed.....always in Pursuit of Mental Peace. This Life.....can never ever get that Key to Happiness...... Dear Friends, there is no Key Book .....on Happiness. Being Happy is our own personal choice. Life is never perfect. There are more struggles than achievements. As achievements are few.....that is why we find few moments memorable, cherished and loved. Not everything and everyone is going to love us. To hate or to love is upto us. Not all problems in our life will come with solutions. If we accept failures as eminent ...a part of our life.....Will we appreciate success. Dear Friends, don't ever be in search of Happiness and ever be in pursuit of Mental peace. Choose to be Happy with everything life has to offer to us. The key is not has been always inside us. If we love ourselves selflessly and unconditionally......everything and everyone .....the whole world appears Beautiful. A selfless service towards society is our duty as a Man kind. The day we give more Importance to the word" Give"...... how much can I give back to my nation,my society, my people, my profession...... Rather than" How much did I get"....... By default you click onto the Button called " Happiness".


  1. You are right. Return to childhood, in the sense, child-like qualities of moving on to newer objects, can keep us relatively happy for a longer time.


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