Mirror, Mirror.....

Mirror, Mirror on the wall Who is the Fairest Of the all...... - Dr Tripti Galgali Anaesthesiologist, Hubli. We have heard this story.....as a kid so many times. Even in Ramayana,Lord Rama was handsome,perfect. Ravana was huge,multiple headed..... Manthara was hunched and disproportionate. Whether in Indian mythology or Western/ Eastern Fables..... The good are beautiful and perfect. The Evil is disproportionate, dark and... To Summarize " UGLY". As kids ,we relate to dark,short, fat,acne,disproportionate to be a Vice.....to be looked with hatred,disrespect..... The term " UGLY " brings so much negative emotions....... The world is defined only by its External Appearance. Right since childhood we are segregated or known by our External appearance....Golu,Chotu,Pinky,Gotya, Mati,Nati ..... What we are born with is not at all in our hands....... Then why does world attribute our existence on something we are not responsible for...... What we become tomorrow- Our Personality.....our Individuality- is in our hands. Our External appearance must never influence our Self Existence or our Individuality. As a kid,I have always been a " Tea-pot"..... That's how I was described. Short,Fat,Dark.......and many rudely termed.... ' UGLY". My talent,my knowledge, my hard work,my personality.....was overshadowed and overlooked by my ÀPPEARANCE. My graceful,emotive dance....only few could see.....most saw only the fat girl dancing...... Tripti,the only thing God granted you was Intelligence......you must work on that..... In short, a short,fat,dark, disproportionate kid has no future if no Intelligence....... Is it?????? Who are we to judge Beauty,Intelligence and Knowledge of others????? Why is world so Judgemental and ever comparing each other???? My appearance affected me a lot more when I entered my Teens.Crash diets,Bulimia,Binge eating, Starvation, Forcible vomitting, Fad silly diets..Pills o lose weight, Powders,Shakes.... Name the thing,I have done everything to harm my body and my self esteem. Marriage Market kills you. India has tendency to Body shame even the highly skilled,highly qualified, high achievers who are less privileged in External Appearance. The whole world offers free advice just randomly...... An unknown person on the street shamelessly walks over to show " Concern" and.....worst are those Marketing agents who stop you on roads and even if you don't want it.....thrust their products to improve your External Appearance. Apathy. Dear Friends, we un intentionally so many times have made this mistake of Body shaming. Especially if as parents we make that mistake......it brings into a kid so much of low self esteem......that even in adulthood.....this" Body shaming" over rides all other qualities. I was lucky to have my Ajji,my Appaji,my Aai,my Maushi,my Attya,my Tai s......in whose eyes I was Perfect. Later,my Husband....in whose Eyes.....as he is Ophthalmologist and an Avid photographer.......I have always been Beautiful ..... And my Kids ....for whom I am THE BEST...... Dear Friends, be that person for yourself and for others....who loves unconditionally, THE REAL PERSON..... The person, the individual within. The Beauty within. Not That person seen in that Mirror....... See the person from the Lens of your heart.....


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