To the departed souls.....

A short blog An Emotional blog. In my Family,I share an emotional connection to many .....reason maybe because they have been part of my journey.....they have seen my dedication and hardwork towards my achievements since childhood.....or maybe I was first one to stay away from home in hostel for higher education......I have received loads of live,affection and utmost pampering from all....elders to young ones. Today,I write only on the departed souls who are no more ..... My Ajji Whatever I want to express about my Maternal Grandmother is less.She was a huge Ocean. Whatever person I am today.....owe entirely to my Ajji.A perfectionist,A TASK master,A very very strict Disciplinarian, Empathetic Philanthropist..Spiritualist...Secularist..very Very well educated....Endless...... My Aai My mother's eldest sister.She was my called her Aai. Aai fought for me.Motivated me when I was low.She taught me values of Family.....Responsibility of a Wife,Daughter in law,Mother....How to inculcate values in kids by traditions,festivals,... Aai took over the place of my Aaji...from where she left me. My Ajja My Paternal Grandfather.He just adored me.Her covered my books,He taught me importance of neat handwriting, being organized,cleanliness....My Ajja would tirelessly tell me lot of stories. Desai Vakil Ajja Ajja was my Aai's Father in Law. Though time spent with him was very brief....but Ajja was very fond of me.He called me तृप्ता. He would discuss Bhagwad Geeta with me.He taught me importance of dedication, sincerity,hard work in life of a person. He would tell my Aai" Mathurabai,this girl is going to do a lot in her life" Dada Dada was my Aai's husband.A man of few words.He too loved me because of my sincerity towards anything I did. He gifted me Sri C. Rajagopalchari written all volumes of Mahabharata.also we would discuss various Adhyayas of Bhagwad Geeta.Basically practical applications of Spiritualism into our day to day life. Vasant Kaka Kaka was my youngest Surekha Maushi's husband. Kaka was more like a buddy.He introduced me to great Literature, Fine Dining and best things in life. How to do " Jeevachi Mumbai"....Live Life to the Fullest.....Driving in his Maruti 800 late nights with Dev Anand songs..." Hai hai yeh nigahen" full blast....through Poona University and Khadakvasla.... Lunches in best restaurants... watching great theatricals.... even enjoying the best French Wine.....the long discussions on doing remarkable things in life.. Importance of fitness and healthy lifestyles.....Kaka was a Guru. Finance he taught me later as he was CA by profession..... I truly miss Vasant Kaka. Arvind Mama A very reserved person. I got to interact with him only after my marriage.I perfectionist,Most Ethical and Principled person. Professional Ethics I learnt from my Mama.He adored hard working the family I was amongst the few he liked.but he was disappointed when my concentration got diverted to kids more than my career. but when Mama met my grown kids, he changed his opinion.The love he showered on my kids .....can't be described in words. Anand Mama Partner in Crime for all youngsters in the entire family including my kids. Anand Mama was a prankster,mischievous, great sense of humor....a great great Foodie and a lover of Art. My kids adored Anand Ajja....for the animated stories full of background music,mimicry....the most famous being" Chikki Chikki Sherakka...yellu honti Ramakka" and Bheema stories. A small family but sweet memories of childhood remain forever.


  1. You have rightly brought out the best and most interesting qualities of the departed members of our family very beautifully.


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