What's in a Name

What's in a Name -Dr Tripti Galgali William Shakespeare 's famous dialogue in his play" Romeo &Juliet "..... What's in a name? A Rose will be a rose, giving the same fragrance even if you call it with some other name. My dear Father named me तृप्ति.....meaning Satisfaction. I was 2nd child and he was satisfied on my birth..... He loves Sanskrit.... So in English my name is spelt TRIPTI. India has 29 states.Each state has a specific dialect. I have no intention of belittling anyone. But each state my name got spelt and pronounced differently. In my home state Maharashtra....तृ is Tru not Tri ..... So I am Trupti. In my now State.....Karnataka...in some places....त isथ..... So Tripti....becomes Thripathi..... Then when Thripathi goes to a Call Centre based in UP..... Thripathi Galgali gets confused to Galgali becomes my name Tripathi becomes my surname. Down south, Tripti....has become Tirupati Thirupathi In Rajasthan/ Gujrat, I have become TRAPTI....after River Tapti. Or maybe rhyming with प्राप्ती. The Gen Z loves abbreviations a lot. So I am Trips.... Troops( like in the Army soldier troop)....😄😁 In 4 decades of my life....My dear Father 's fondly kept name तप्ति/ Tripti has seen many variations. No offense. Enjoy the humor and laugh.. 😆 🤣 LOL xoxo


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