Being MGIMS ian.

Today is October 2nd,2023. We celebrate 154th Birth Anniversary of Father of Nation,Mahatma Gandhiji. In 1992,I first read Mahatma Gandhiji 's Autobiography " My Experiments with Truth and Ahimsa".This book had to be read as there was a 100 marks paper Subjective in the enterance of a rural based Central Government affiliated,Medical College named Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences ( MGIMS),Sewagram run by Kasturba Health Society. The enterance was in Nagpur city in month of May. My first introduction to Gandhian principles. Then after joining this prestigious Medical school in Sewagram, I got to learn more about Gandhian philosophy as this college and its staff actually in reality followed Gandhian principles and philosophy. We were taught to work on Charkha and Takli. Khadi was worn for work on daily basis by every one in the Campus. Shramdan was done by Our Director Dr Sushila Nayar ji whenever she was in Sewagram.Every Friday all students, staff,faculty each and every body cleaned the ground and even toilets. Friday also had Evening prayer....Assimilation of a chapter from Bhagwad Geeta, and prayers from all religions..Hindu,Islam,Christianity, Sikhism....and Bapuji's favorite " Vaishnava Janato" The college adopted nearby villages and every month a Saturday students visited their respective adopted village and did Community Medicine services to every member of the village for the entire 4 and half tenure of MBBS. What is being MGIMS ian mean to every person who has been a part of this Institute? I learnt 3 S- Selfless services Simplicity Spirituality. The atmosphere in MGIMS was dedicated to selfless services to the Institute, Villages around and students. Every staff in the college and hospital followed principles of Mahatma Gandhiji and our Director Dr Sushila Nayar ji. I was totally in awe of our Director for her dedication to country,Institute and villages around the college. Faculty- Dean,Medical Superintendent, HOD,and staff had dedicated their entire career to the Institute. Institute had Emeritus from Abroad too offering services in development of Alma Mater. To be exposed to services to grassroots especially in this Materialistic world.....we students were introduced to ethical, selfless,dedicated Medical Practices. Alumnii who ran NGOs in Tribal areas ,Naxal areas,and grassroots of the country visited the Institute and were Guest Lecturers for us students. Simplicity- Our Director, Faculty and staff were humble,grounded,and simple. They were stalwarts in research and education in their respective fields. They were well educated, well traveled and highly acclaimed national and international levels. But in person they were very simple.Our Faculty was seen cycling to work,doing Shramdan on regular basis. Festivals and other activities every one participated equally without differences of power and post. Spirituality I was introduced to Bhagwad Geeta in MGIMS. I read Bhagwad Geeta and realised its relevance in even modern life and lifestyle. Secularism but at same time being proud of own religion. Understanding Hinduism and practicing it in daily basis. Spiritual experience I had in MGIMS. After leaving MGIMS, I realized the importance of being MGIMS ian Following the 3 S.....Service,Simplicity and Spirituality..... life becomes easy. less complicated. Peace and tranquility of mind and mindset. One can accomplish many things in life just by following the 3 S. I dedicate this blog to my Alma Mater MGIMS, Sewagram. I am proud MGIMS ian.


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