Life and Lessons

Lessons of Life. -Dr Tripti Milind Galgali, Anaesthesiologist . Hubli. A Burnt child dreads Fire. Only a hungry man knows importance of Food. Heard these proverbs many times. One learns life's lessons only by one's mistakes. A difficult time teaches you importance of Life. Nowadays, every reality show gains TRPs by showcasing the obstacles a contestant has faced in his/ her life to reach today's platform. Documentaries and Magazine coverage focus on how much hardships and struggles a " Face " has endured to become that " Face". Dear Friends, does it mean that if you have not faced those struggles in life to reach a platform......Your Success has no meaning!!!!! Does being better privileged in life doesn't drive you to success????? Can't a person learn life's lessons without actually going through fire and get burnt????? I come from a middle class background of highly educated family. My parents worked really hard and gave good education and a comfortable life for my brother and me. Yes,I am amongst the privileged persons who have neither ever been hungry to know importance of hunger...... Nor have I ever been burnt my fingers in realise the value of Life. My parents taught us to work hard, respect Life and never take anything or anyone for granted just because we have had it without much difficult times and struggles....... Agreed, my life will never get TRPs Nor my Face will get acknowledged in Documentaries and Magazines....... But I never undermine my dedication and sincerity to my work which has brought me on this platform. I need not lose a leg to understand importance of the Shoe. I need not be deficient or deprived of a thing to be aware of its value in life. I need not lose a person to know his or her importance in my life. One need not be under privileged to appreciate the privileges of everything in life. To summarize..... I need not cross across a Fiery Path to understand the rage of Fire. Life's Lessons can be learnt without actually facing them in reality. The duty of parents is not only to protect the child and provide a good lifestyle to the kid...... But also teach the child to respect Life.... Be gratitude to everything life has offered to you. Empathise with those who are not as privileged. Humility for being fortunate enough to be able to achieve dreams and ambitions without going through Fire in real sense......... I am truly indebted to my parents for giving me this Privileged Life.Thank you for everything Amma and Appaji for Life and Lessons.


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