
Tips for good Parenting - Dr Tripti Galgali. The day I realised how good as parents my Parents had been.......and I have been a difficult kid then........ I got kids who think how bad a mother their mom is.....and how grateful Myself shud be to hv such good kids......... You all might be expecting some great Parenting tips directly lifted from some book......or those who are in that age ..Been there, Done that.....may 🙄 their eyes. No....I started my Parenting in 2001....when my first kid- Son was born.I was ( A misconception later realised) fully equipped with Good Parenting knowledge. I made some trials and errors. In 2003....I so called corrected and refined myself as Mommy ...when my 2nd - Daughter was born.By now I was confident that I was 💯sure of my expertise and knowledge of Best Parent. But as a tree grows spreading my hair now grows kids taught me one important Enlightening truth..... There is nothing called Good or Bad Parenting. Parenting can't be controlled...... Infact one cannot control anything or anyone in Life. Some Enlightenment I got in course and journey of Being Parent " 1. I am only a parent. I can be only a parent. I can't do" Parenting ". You put all your energy into " Good Parenting "........ trust me You will end up missing on beautiful moments of growing up process of your kid. You will helplessly watch the ship sail off the shore suddenly. 2. Good Parenting is bogus. What holds correct for one kid doesn't apply for the other. Though my both kids have come out of me,share my Upbringing, my Values.......but the two are different individuals. They have their own personality and character. Some one rule never applies all. I read somewhere.....even a set of Alike Twins......though look same.....have different personality. 3. Nobody can proclaim Expertise on Parenting. As a Parent, we can just guide our kid. But can't control or direct them. In this " Picture or Movie " ....I may be the Producer of the Film.But I can't be Director or Screenplay of this Film. My son gave me a very good advice ' Mom,ur situations in life were different and so were your decisions. What you decided were good for you. My situations and struggles are different. So let me make my decisions '. Child is Parent of the Parent. So true. I realised all I can do as a Parent is to have a good bonding with my kids. I can't be their Friend. The Generation Gap being there. My kids have their own Friends. But I can surely be that punchbag and that shoulder to lean, when they need me. As kids grow and become independent of us .....later even Financially...... I pray God that my Parenting connects me to them Emotionally. One thing I have kids are my Shadow......but in a different way. I do see myself in my babies many times in many situations......but I feel so proud that at the same time they are different Individual Personality of their own. In are like Tree. Tender loving care when they are saplings Parent we must just allow them to grow on their own with little guidance and support from us.


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