Reel/ Real

Modern Life of 21st century. Dr Tripti Milind Galgali. For almost 2 and half decade of my life I have lived in a Metropolitan city of Mumbai.Vashi had just evolved as a new suburb made by CIDCO .Later, many more suburbs developed and Navi Mumbai was the name given to the cluster of those suburbs. The Sector 7 H and J row I lived....had multilingual, multi culture families. As years passed, we got to know each other. Most families had both spouses working....the families became interdependent. So we all became Family. This was era of no WhatsApp, Twitter and Insta Thread. The communication between 2 human beings was Real and one to one. As years passed, many families disintegrated and moved away. The new generation which now lives there......very few have the familiarity and communication with each other. Yesterday, I had gone for a random shopping to a shop unknown to me. The shop owner started a conversation with me" Why are you purchasing these stuffs?" " Are you a dancer?" " Do you run a Parlor?". Had I been in 90s era.....I would have responded to this conversation with equal zeal and both would have allowed ourselves to know each other and a REAL acquaintance would have been formed. But I being in 21st century where Real Communication never exists...... I got busy watching Google to search for newer designs and then chose those for my purchase.... Google paid him. And posted my new purchases on Instagram for my Reel million Friends to comment and post an Emoji. I left the shop without either of us ( shopkeeper and me) striking a Real life Acquaintance for future meets.We still remained "Stranger " in Real Life. In Modern life......unfortunately we tend to chat, strike conversation and " Friendship" with people who ever remain in Cloud...... In Reel Life.....Strangers become Friends......but in Cloud. We become close, support each other, information is exchanged....... Millions of Friends..... But in Cloud. In Real life, we are preferring Closure in name of Privacy and Space. The Real Communication between 2 Live Human Beings is only Customary Glance or Greeting in the Lift of Apartment. This Lack of Real Communication in Modern life is making us more recluse and lonely . We are lacking skills of striking communication with each other even in the four walls of our homes and surrounding society. Maybe this is the reason for depression, anxiety and stress. Maybe this is the reason why relationships between 2 human any levels are just not working. Maybe this is reason for disharmony and discontent. I realised my mistake....when an article about a Young Techie found dead in his apartment. Police was called by Society Secretary when foul smell started emulating on that floor. The person it seems had been dead 3 days back. ..... Had it been 90s....doors of houses used to be ever left open.....closed only at night..... " Bhabhiji, what breakfast you made?" " Bhaisaab, today you haven't gone to work?" ..was the routine conversation between 2 individuals But today, Technology has closed the doors of our houses forever. So also the random conversation between 2 individuals....... We hardly bother to know each other on daily basis. Life revolves around WhatsApp Emojis and Memes ....Insta Updates. Had I allowed myself to converse randomly with that time we randomly happen to meet, we would have recognized each other..... That is how " REAL" life Friendship is made. Today we have Millions of Friends on Social media. We are known in REEL.....Virtual Cloud. But strangers in REAL time. What a Paradox!!!!!


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