It's only Words

It's only Words....... -Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli A famous song by Bee Gees. It's only words.... And words are all I have.... To take your heart away. Words are indeed very powerful. Words can inspire. Words can win hearts.words can mend broken hearts. But it is Words which can destroy. It is words which break relationships. It is words which have lead to Wars ....... Words are free. How you use the words is going to cost you. At times a Lifetime....... Once Marie Antoinette insensitively remarked when France was in a crisis of Famine...and Recession....." If they can't eat Bread....let them eat Cake." This provoked a Revolution in France and the angered public guillotined Marie Antoinette in public. But on the other hand Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose evoked a Revolution in youth of India under British Rule by the words" You give me Blood ....I will give you Freedom". That is the power of words. A child born learns the first words at home.The choice of words used by every family member to each other becomes the vocabulary of the child.Words of disrespect, disregard,and derogatory if heard by the child in the environment around him or her.......they become the attitude and perception of the child to any relationship in future. A teacher may with few words encourage a weak child to perform very well. But instead if the words come breaks the self confidence of that weak child forever. In Parenthood....sometimes unknowingly we parents rebuke our erring kid with strong words....which leave an everlasting impact on our kid .This has repercussions and irreparable damage to our relationship with them in their adulthood.Repenting later will never heal the sting of pain caused by harsh words. In any relationship,.....spouses, Parents,Siblings,Friendship, workplace,......anywhere.......words break the silence.....spread warmth,affection, confidence, encouragement, motivation.....positivity. But insensitive words hurt self esteem and the broken sentiments In Indian mythology, it's words which have lead to wars and destruction. It's words of Lord Buddha which has healed sorrow, disappointment and helped many to seek inner healing. Choice of words is hence very necessary. We may help many in our lifetime. But one harsh word which hurts the self esteem of the person who we have helped generously.........remain immortal. Words are like arrows and weapons which once fired can never be taken back. People forget our good deeds. But our harsh words are Everlasting. As much words are powerful......Silence is a killer. Silence ends an argument forever. Silence does save fights......but a Silence forever....breaks hearts. Many a times minor indifference between our partners, parents,siblings,friends....lead to Silence in the relationship. This Silence if prolonged and stretched......breaks ties permanently. Only when we lose the person we realize and repent. But loss of words cannot be heard back once they are no more. Dear Friends,.....Life is very short. Relationships are all that are our investment at the end. Words are very important for a life journey to be cherished . ............... It's indeed only Words.....and only Words.....are all we have......and we are left with.......till the end.


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