Life is a journey

Life is a journey ....... Life is a puzzle....... Life is a challenge ....... In the end ... Life is beautiful. My blogs are mostly my views and based on decisions I made in my journey . My this blog is about highly skilled, highly qualified and ambitious people between 25 to 35 years of age......absolutely no gender discrimination here...... Both Male and Females...... Who have a Brilliant career in front of them...... And have to make choices of commitment of Marriage and Responsibility of Parenthood........ We are in that misconception that only Females have to make choices.... No.....even Males do have to make choices. In earlier days it was taken for granted.... But today with gender equality in Finance,Career,Relationships and Parenthood responsibilities...... Both genders are in dilemma regarding choices to make at this age...... A path taken today....will decide our future life tomorrow. It is this fear for commitment....misconception in society.....lack of support......a missing Mentor to look the reason why these young Adults of this section of Society is opting DINK- Double Income No Kid.... SINK- Single Income or Single Status no spouse. Live-In relationship Surrogacy by Single unmarried Male and Female. And SINGLE Unattached just Mingle. Today, the generation is taught gender equality. Education, Finance and Career. So when they reach a stage....where they have to make choices which forces them to take a step back.....both genders hesitate to commit and take responsibility. Why?????? 2 Decades before....the society saw the Females leave the work force and take the Family responsibility and the onus of Financial responsibility fell completely on the Males. Both had to sacrifice and compromise a lot in their lives. This lead to lot of disgruntle and disappointment in later life. The next decade ,saw the women pursuing her career part time. She juggled between work and family.But the major Financial responsibility still had to be borne by the Man . This caused even more chaos in the Feminist and Masochist mindsets. This lead to even more confused minds. The current Gen has gender every aspect of Life. The root cause of disproportionate and disgruntle life is Ego and Preformed opinions,Judgemental society and Misguided youth. If we go by Preconceived notion....a female is the nurturer..... If a highly qualified and highly skilled lady leaves her work to tend her family,house,'s totally her choice if she finds happiness in that personal choice taken without pressure. But if......we as a society......members in family, workplace and environment her.....make it conducive for her to be confident and comfortable ( that's most important) remain in the work maintain a healthy work- family balance.......without stress and lesser struggles....... We will have more women power being retained post Marriage and post Motherhood. If we teach our Sons .....Equality in reality not only on Reels....... Working as a Unit...... Supporting each other. Respecting each other. Keeping our Egos aside....asking for help and at the same time pitching in equality in all responsibility of Relationship and Parenthood......... Both Boys and Girls will have confidence in entering into a Committed relationship and a responsible Parenthood. Life is a journey. If alone it will be treading..... But if with a partner....and later offspring..... It's challenging but fulfilling..... - Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli


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