Wind beneath the wings

Wind Beneath the Wings. Dr Tripti Milind Galgali. Hubli This blog is inspired by Legends who started an Enterprise and their Legendary work was expanded to even greater Heights by their Prodigal Successors for generations. One we all love and are proud of as Tata Group. First started by Sir Jamshetji in Mumbai.....and generations of successors expanded it.The most famous Sir JRD Tata my generation knows.....followed by Ratan Tata who expanded it world wide. In one interview, a well known personality commented" Only the kids coming from difficult backgrounds have the hunger and strive to work hard and succeed.The well off,affluent kids are lazy, and lack that motivation, urge and drive because they have everything in life without struggle. " Initially, this blog was designed on the above comment. My Money can buy my kid- Everything...... My Power can lay the road for my Kid. My reputation will bring success to my kid. But can I live the Life for my kid........ History is witness to so many downfall of Empires due to this Arrogant, Vain Misconception ...... What drives al Protege of Legendary people to expand the Legendary work of their Parent to greater Heights?????? My Kids are still in their Education phase.... So we both don't have experience to opine. I asked many!!! I would like to share my conversation with you, dear friends. Indian mindset is of Joint Family concept unlike western world.We believe in supporting our generations to our last breath.As parents, we contribute financially and emotionally in the life of our kids.Their Education, Career, Marriage,and their extending family......lots of money,energy and manpower is spent by Indian Parents for their Kids. In distress,the entire family provides support to every member. In Western world, a kid becomes independent at age 18yrs of age and stays away from Family and has to independently fend and fund himself. So ,the question for every Indian Parent is how much of Support and to what extent ???? In India,we have been witness to Dynasty Politics. By virtue of Money,Power and Inheritance.....incompetent Successors have failed their Legendary Ancestors. Huge well known Corporates have crumbled when Family Inheritance has been handed over to weak Successors. So ,how to infuse motivation and drive in the Protege????? The most common answer I got was Humility, Respect and Sincerity. The Protege needs to respect the Enterprise, the work,and magnamity of the Legendary Parent.. The Protege should be taught to be Humble for the love, affection and recognition received by society because of the Legendary Parent. Gratitude for all the privileges received...all virtue of Legendary Parent. Sincerity towards Enterprise and motivation to expand the Enterprise further . Understanding the magnitude of pressure of Inheritance. So if Protege develops the above 3 values since childhood....... A Tata Group spreads worldwide due to dedication of Predecessors and Successors. Dear Friends, as A Mony,my Name,and My Power can provide Wings.....and even give a Clear Sky for my Protege to Soar....... But my Protege needs to work hard to spread those Wings and Soar Higher in the Sky created by Me. So ,I need to be the Wind Beneath the Wings to support the Flight of Life which my Protege has to take on his/ her Own.......


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