Gods Children

God's Children. -Dr. Tripti Milind Galgali. Hubli. When a human form is conceived ,it's a small bleb,a small dot like structure. Then as days of gestation period grows....the different aspects develop gradually and a fetus .....well formed,well differentiated and unique on its own .....is transformed at end of gestational age. So even nature agrees that we all are same at conception......it's evolution which later differentiates individuals. Nobody is conceived as a particular caste,color,sex,religion, sect,....Intelligent/ non Intelligent........all are same.....just a dot. As we grow up.....differences dividing us into classes,stages,levels.....happen. So we are nothing but first God's Children.........later we become....X....Y.....Z. When nature doesn't differentiate us....treats all of us equally...... Then why do we humans....divide ourselves into different classes. Why can't we accept every one equally???? As an Anaesthesiologist who has given anaesthesia to numerous Special needs children ......I call them God's Children...... I will reveal the reason at the end of this blog...... I have come across Psychological disorders, Neurological disorders, Birth disorders........example like Cerebral PalsyAutism,Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder,Spectrum disorders,Metabolic disorders.......the kid has motor and mental delayed or incomplete development...intelligence quotient is below normal,......dysmorphism,multiple organs are weak and under developed .... The kid is fully dependent upon others for basic survival at times.....or partially dependent. The parents of such kids are either ignorant of the condition of their kid.....or refuse to accept. Such parents keep hopping from one doctor to another.....they try all sorts of treatment....Allopathy, Ayurveda,Homeopathy, Unani, Holistic, Spiritual ........even Blind Beliefs and controversial baseless suggestions given by equally ignorant people and social media. When the right therapy never reaches such kids at right moment or phase of their life.....their disorder reaches uncontrollable state. These parents of such kids......become apathetic.....lose hope.....and totally give up on their own kid....that too at that phase of their lives....where they need maximum support ,care and empathy more from their caregivers. Society too is very unjust in their attitude and acceptance of these kids. There are few parents.......Bless them.....may their tribe increase......who understand the condition of their special needs kid....irrespective of gender.....read and research about the right therapy and treatment of the kid....the requirements....the limitations....the difficulties....the challenges......the kid and they will be facing in course of life......and work dilligently towards making the life of their kid comfortable and healthy. Here,I want to share....some personal incidents. I had to give sedation to a Metabolic disorder, epileptic,ADHD, MR baby .....This baby was adopted by a couple after its mother had died during childbirth. After a year, the mother found the baby different and epilepsy brought them to consult a Neurologist. I just randomly asked the mother....." If you come to know that the baby forever is going to be totally dependent upon you....will you return baby to the biological father who is still alive.....( he was her own brother)......????" The mother 's reply " I have adopted her....so now she is completely mine....whether biological or adopted.Yeh toh Allah ki marzi thi ke yeh bacchi mere paas aaye".... It's Allah's will that I should become her mother"".." How will I refuse then"...... Dear Friends.....that's why I call these special needs kids ... God's Children. God sends them in only those houses and to those parents ...in the womb or lap of those mothers......about whom He is confident and has faith and trust.....that His Special Child will receive best love and care. God chooses His kids......and showers so much love......to them.... That's reason why God's Children offer love,affection to everyone equally. I have never heard them " Hate" anyone. They show so much affection.....to animals,nature,humans.....irrespective of any differences. They are ever smiling....at all times. They have no worries and negativity. I have given Anaesthesia to such patients for C-SECTION .....they are the only ones who ask me" How is my baby,Doctor?".... That's their only concern They are never bothered bothered sex,color,height,weight...intelligence of their baby.They are the only ones who happily accept their kid or anyone and every one around them unconditionally as they are.They never lose hope nor give up or disown anyone. They never distrust, expect or get disappointed by anything or anyone ....... That is why they are " God's Children".... They are the only ones who follow God and His chosen Path sincerely. Dear Friends, we may show sympathy....at times apathy towards people who don't meet our expectations and don't qualify into our rat race......we are very proud of our intelligence, our accomplishments, our lives....... But the true contenders chosen by God Himself to the Final Verdict which is By Him.......in this Race of Life......are.....Children Chosen By Him...... Though we in society label them as " Special Needs Children "...... but in reality..... they are" God's Children".


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