Mantra of Success

Mantra of Success.......A story. Dear Friends, let me share with you my journey to reach the most difficult journey of my life.In my life my biggest, toughest and longest struggle has been to maintain Weight......those Kgs. I have been ever on the opposite difficult end of the weighing scales. For me academic success has been easier than achieving that optimum body weight. Rigid exercises and Fad diets......I have done it all. Success and Weight are synonymous.....Pun intended. Some are born with that ideal Figures( Here too Pun intended) Some have to work hard towards achieving that Perfect Figures....... Some finally reach their targets after years of hard work....... But some are ever struggling to make it even closer near...the safer figures........ The last category is Me......the society has coined a depressive word " Loser". What is the Mantra for Success...... for anything in life????? My weight journey has taught me some important Mantra which I realised after many trials and errors. There is no place for instant renumeration to success. One is born equal. What we achieve and how life unfolds itself for us depends totally upon how we have lived it till today. Life has its ups and downs for everyone. But the strength to face the lows.....and the humility in enjoying the highs is completely different from an individual. We need to be Consistent in our efforts. We need to consistently work hard with dedication over a long duration of time. The Fruits and Figures of our hard work is borne and enjoyed only after long years of efforts. In the end of this Journey of " Success"/ "Weight".... is Acceptance. Each individual has his or her own share of Success/ weight based on Destiny. The levels of Success is different for each individual. The top end of ladder is at different heights for everyone. What looks like just a few black and white tiles to us at a " Worm's" view closer look. Actually if you look from above as a " Bird's" aerial view.....what we have achieved is a beautiful Mosaic picture. Dear Friends, don't gauge Success or Your Body on only one single Parameter. Otherwise your achievements will never be appreciated by you. Judge yourself and your achievements on different different levels..... Gauge your success on your achievements over a period of time. Learn to enjoy the Bird's view from Top .....and admire your beautiful journey in Life which you have climbed with loved ones. The support and encouragement you got from your family and friends is what we will treasure as assets . Success has no Mantra. Success can never be defined. Materialistic achievements never define Success. Loving ourselves as we are.....Appreciating our efforts and hard work......Acknowledging our achievements.......and lastly love and affection from loved ones is in reality the fortune we earn and must pass on as inheritance to our next generation. Penned by Dr Tripti Milind Galgali from Hubli.


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