Power of Democracy

The Power of Democracy. Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as Government of the People,by the People, for the People. India was for so many years under Autocratic Rule....either under some King,Empire,or British Raj...... So for many years....India saw a major divide between the 2 classes. Then there was the class divide.... The King's son by virtue of inheritance became the King.....with a few exceptions. In any era, there used to be separate enterances for the privileged few.... So many places unheard and unseen.....unknown to the rest of the world. Only the privileged few would experience and enjoy...on the virtue of their Birth. They didn't have to earn to achieve them.No merit. Just Power and Inheritance. But after Independence,....Free India gained Democratic status....Sovereign,Secular,Socialist. The Merit,The Hard Work,The Education....was appreciated and advocated. India saw a yourh selling Tea.....a Chaiwallah ....become the Prime Minister of the country. A rickshaw-pullers daughter become IAS beaurocrate. Anybody who has dreams of achieving something.....becoming someone.....irrespective of caste,color,creed,sex.......got the opportunity to fulfill them by working diligently towards their goal. I was visiting all those places- Palaces,Temples,Gardens,Monuments.....constructed by the Kings for themselves in historical era...... Splendid, Class by itself......That era the public ,Ordinary Man, could never have access....nor information about the existence of Luxury and Opulence in Life.... But today,Democracy opened the doors to the Ordinary Man to not only experience, visualize but access and enjoy that Life. Each time I visited Mysuru Palace,Falaknuma Palace,Amber Fort Palace,Hawa Mahal...... Each time I strolled Vrindawan gardens or Mughal gardens...... I thanked Democracy.....for allowing me to experience opulence. Democracy is indeed the biggest gift given to every citizen of any country. Agreed,there will always be indifferently distribution of people. But Democracy, opens doors of equal opportunities and rights to every strata of community. Elections and voting is the biggest constitutional right Each citizen of India gets bestowed. Dear Friends, don't underestimate this right of yours. Democracy gives the ordinary man a lot of power to make changes for betterment of country and society. Empowerment and Development of country and society is under the hands of every ordinary person on this land. Use this right judiciously. Please don't get influenced by fake propaganda by unscrupulous people. Ask not what India can do for you...... But ask what you can do for India. Dear Friends, Democracy has erased that practice where Only King's son would become King. Only Kings were entitled to luxury and opulent lifestyles. Democracy has given opportunity where ordinary man can hold India 's highest post- President or Prime Minister....General of Army...Admiral of Navy....or CEO of MNC.....Chief Justice of Supreme Court..... Irrespective of Class,Color,Creed or Gender. Please don't get biased by Religion,Power,Or Communalism...... Do vote . Vote judiciously. Vote only for Democracy. Vote for a better India. Jai Hind. By-DrTripti Milind Galgali. An Ordinary Citizen of India.


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