The Bus.....

The Bus......have I missed it????? When we are in school....all of us are in the same Bus. In a sea of kids...wearing the same uniform,black shoes,white socks....tied up plaits with blue ribbons( or whatever color ).... it is very very difficult to identify an individual. We all study the same subjects,play the same games,have the same fights....and burst into peals of laughter together. Only when we leave school.....subjects,branches,careers and lives separate us into individuals. We then get an identity which is different from each other. In school, we are all at same level, same grade....but as soon as we leave school....grow old....we get divided by position, power and status. One day after many years,we all come back to re enter that same class.....but this time....we get compared and classified into Grades of " Success"..... The benches no longer remain same ......The peer pressure forces us to compare ourselves with each other. Many of us are fully excited ...and looking forward to our School Reunions. Meeting our school mates with whom we spent our growing up years most cherished. Reminiscing those beautiful childhood days...brings Deja Vu feeling. Childhood days and Childhood friends are more close to our hearts because of the innocent, non-judgmental and unconditional acceptance of who we we are...not what we are. During Reunions....we find some of grass rooted as us during Childhood.....with hard work and dedication climb the ladder of Success .....many many steps above us. We return from the Reunion with questions about our lives. Did I miss the Bus????Where did I miss the Bus?????? In the beginning of careers....every one has similar struggles.We all work equally hard.We all get opportunities. But only some overshoot in climbing the ladder to success. So when we all come midway of this Ladder of Life journey......we find .....same classmate group.....but some above.....some below. It is only in the end of the we realize that end is the same ...... But midway.......we start doubting our hard work,Dedication and Sincerity. When we start comparing with each other.....peer pressure raises questions about our integrity. Missing the like a mirage. It's is in our minds playing with our emotions. But in reality..the Bus is still there and ..we all are actually in the same Bus. ....same challenges, same hurdles.....similar obstacles..... The bus finally has to reach same destination for all of us. Only different routes, different speed and different timings. We must learn to enjoy the ride and the journey of the Bus. We must learn to accept Life as it is thrown at us. We must learn to appreciate our own efforts in making our Bus journey comfortable. Remember the journey of life is never easy nor comfortable for anyone. Life is filled with struggles. The difference in outlook towards life and the challenges. Some willingly accept hardships...face them create opportunities for them even in an unfavorable environment. That pushes them ahead in the climb of the ladder to succes. We all work equally hard......but the few with the quality of accepting life at face value and remaining determined in their goals.....undeterred by surrounding pressures....reach the top of ladder faster . Dear Friends, don't ponder midway of life....with a question " Did I miss the Bus???" No.instead utilize the midway to question " How must I climb further up?" Look down to appreciate how far you have climbed up.Look at the journey until now without regrets. Look up to motivate yourself by watching your friends who are up there already. Get inspired by their climb . Use their approach to the journey, their experiences to help you find your energy to climb the Ladder. the ripe old age.... we school friends meet again in the school....sit on those benches..... Reminiscing those days..cherishing the fondest moments well spent.....and looking back without regrets... appreciating each others journey......burst into similar peals of laughter with moist eyes.... finally saying GoodBye to each other and get down from the Bus at our last stops.....


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