2 Stories

2 Stories. This week I had an opportunity to view 2 different aspects of Youth stories. 2 completely different mindsets..... Story of 2 youths coming from very humble backgrounds. Both real or fictional....depends upon you ,my Readers. I saw 12 Fail movie on OTT. A young boy from rural UP ...fails 12 th boards because the entire exam centre got caught cheating. The story then depicts the struggles of this poor 12th Fail boy who gets inspired,motivated and supported by so many well wishers.....he works very hard, financially constrained,emotionally hurt,but confident he can achieve his goal of becoming a IPS officer.He fails in multiple atrempts....even in his last attempt because of his poor command over English language....hus ability and skills get questioned. But ultimately his sincerity and dedication helps him reach his goal in the end. He later becomes IPS officer and achieves his dreams of uplifting the rural youth. Here the movie highlights new trends in youth and society to resort to cheating, malpractices in exams,enterances,and job hunts.Unscrupulous coaching centres,exorbitant fees,and disparity of opportunities make youth vulnerable. It is very difficult for today's youth not to get distracted or diverted from ethics and values to achieve their goals. One requires good and strong support system today to help you find your path. Then,I being an Anaesthesiologist, got to meet another youth also from rural background. He was working in a government organization. He got that job on Sports quota.He was picked up in school by Sports department. He received training for State level Disc throw. He worked very hard and did win medals at State and National levels. The new trends of Athletics and Fitness in youth disturbs me a lot.Everybody wants Instant gratification. Impatient youth is succumbing to the pressures of performance. Unscrupulous coaching and ill trained guides direct the ignorant youth towards intravenous steroids,harmful supplements and dangerous fitness exercises. To add more insult,You Tube ,Instagram provide half information about everything and misleads these youth even further. Prolonged abuse of such regimen, affects the youth physically and mentally. They get broken down emotionally when body starts giving away and performance gets affected. The frequent injuries and mood swings,behavior disorders have repercussions in the life of such young athletes. As an Anaesthesiologist, I face many medical related complications. The fitness regimen and drug abuse lead to suddenly increase in Heart rate and overshooting of Blood pressure during Operation ( mostly related to sports injury).... leading to Cardiac Arrhythmia and sudden arrest. Postoperative too ,these youth have been seen becoming irritable and violent....At times needing Psychiatric intervention. Dear Friends, today Technology, Science and Social media is a boon for communication and approach towards anything and everything made reachable. Easy availability of information to youth does help them in many ways. But on the other hand ,if misguided improperly or trends followed blindly..... Ignorance and inadequate information does play havoc in life of youth. Dear Yourh,be sincere and truthful your approach. Dear Elders,guide the youth with ethics and values. Right path is always right even if you are the only one following it. Wrong path is ever wrong even if whole world is following it or going towards it. There is no shortcut or Instant gratification to anything in life. To achieve anything, one needs to be Consistent, Dedicated and Sincere for prolonged period.......One Day ,you will see the Bright Light of Success.....and that will remain with you forever .....nobody can snatch or steal it from you.


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