Mangalyam Thantunanenaa

Mangalyam Thantunanena I tie thus sacred thread around your neck ,OH,Maiden,....I promise to be with you,taking care of you,supporting you forever."...... The groom addresses the bride while he ties the Mangalyam or Mangalsutra around her neck. Then they take 7 rounds around the sacred fire ,promising to each other to be forever through all ups and downs,the happiness,joys and turbulence and differences,difficulties in the journey ahead together. That is the essence of Marriage ...... A union between 2 people and their families. Wedding is today a very special and a frivolous affair nowadays. Some Wedding budgets cross the annual Financial Budget of certain countries. The extravaganza and opulence goes absolutely overboard beyond imagination of me. The" Wedding Season" has started.I might have attended almost more than a Dozen of marriages in just 20 days. Covid Pandemic had brought certain regulatory orders on Wedding planning for couple of years. But post Covid,the" Wedding Market" has boomed. Destination weddings, pre wedding shoots,Event management companies are kept extremely busy past month. Here,I got the opportunity to witness a beautiful and simple wedding of a Kuruba or Shepherd community couple. The bride and groom were very simply dressed.On stage,were the couple to get married and their nearest family members....all seated on a black woolen blanket. The most Elderly priest came dressed in typical Shepherd dress..... He blessed the young bride and groom ....and the family.He addressed everyone present.... " Today,on this auspicious occasion, this girl and boy enter into a solemn wedlock. You all present are witness to this occasion. Kindly bless them for a happy married life. " Then he addressed the boy" You promise to take responsibility of this girl who is now your lawful wife...." He addressed the girl" You promise to take responsibility of being a wife and daufhter in law of this house you will be soon part of."..... Then to their respective families " You all bless this couple and promise to support them with love and affection. " And we all prayed to Almighty for blessings. Once this traditional rituals of Marriage got over ..... The Modern trend of dressing and dancing started. The blog doesn't want to criticism Modern Wedding Trends. Marriage is a happy occasion and every body wants to celebrate wholeheartedly. But in the wave of extravagance and opulence of Wedding current trends......the solemnity of Marriage......the essence of Marriage is getting diluted and at times completely lost. The music,DJ,Dancing engulfs everybody....especially the 2 individuals tying the much.......that the seriousness and sincerity towards actual traditional mantras.....the authenticity of Wedding rituals are ignored or sidetracked . The attire of the bride and groom, the ambience around .....the pgotishoots,Reels,Videos,Social given more preference....and attention.......that the Priest who has come to solemniise the wedding is left exasperately waiting for the couple to focus on the rituals of wedding. Recently, the chief Priests of various religious institutions did point out the dilution of wedding rituals modern trends....... During the Saptapadi or 7 pheras around the sacred fire During a wedding...... Or Anand Karaj..... Or walk across the aisle . .... The heavy attire of the bride....and the event management groups with their photographers were disturbing the rituals conducted by the Priest. Dear Readers..... My blog doesn't have any intentions to neither preach,promote nor criticize anyone or any culture,traditions, religion or trends. I feel one must first focus on the essence and seriousness of Marriage. Marriage is indeed the happiest and memorable moment for everyone. We all want to enjoy and cherish every moment. We want to shower all our live and well wishes to the married couple. We tend to go overboard in our extravaganza. Even the 2 adults tying the solemn knot are excited about their journey together. They want to make this moment pleasurable and cherishable. But the extravaganza of other things takes away their focus on rituals and essence of Marriage . But in the each his own.....views and emotions vary .... As long as the 2 people in love remain true to the vows the take for each other on the wedding day......and stay happy together, supporting each other in ups and the path together till the last....... Magalyam Thanthunanema.....mama Jeevan hetuna..... Forever most important. By Dr Tripti Milind Galgali. Hubli.


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