Nothing lasts forever

Few days back,I drew a beautiful Rangoli in front of my house.I had spent lot of time making it.Lots of colors and lot of life into it.Whoever saw it appreciated. I was thrilled by its beauty and my efforts on it. I wanted the Rangoli to remain forever. 2 days later, early morning, the Rangoli was messed up by someone. It had to be swept off. I did get disheartened some moment. The next day, I again drew another Rangoli much more beautiful than previous. Dear ,Friends,in life nothing lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever.... Nothing remains with you forever...... Life happiness and sorrows... The Good times and the bad times.... The success and the Failures.... The excitement and the disheartening moments..... The near ones....The dear ones.... The loved ones or the hated enemies ........... Norhing and Nobody.... but what remains with us lies between the Hello and the GoodBye Dear Friends, life is unpredictable and short. Whenever, we are facing a difficult phase in our obstacle,a hinderance or disappointment.....always remember that this is never going to last forever. After years,we realise that whatever happened was for our good. In our student life,we aspire something. At times,circumstances change our course. Yes,we do feel dejected initially. In due course of times,new opportunities come our way...bring new hope and ray of happiness.... When we look back.....gratitude that good things didn't work then. As we grow older, some joyous moments give immense pleasure but obviously don't get carried those few moments are short-lived. Similar feelings are experienced when we become parents. When the baby is born,the whole house is overjoyed. The growing up years of the child keeps us very busy. Life gets filled with lovely proud moments and struggles both. Then comes a day,the little bird grows up,spreads its wings and flies off into the vast blue sky. The nest becomes empty and a void left in life of parents. But the joy seeing our baby grow into a fine,responsible adult...brings sense of pride in parents. also left behind are loads of wonderful memories to be remembered fondly and cherished forever...... Life is full of so many occasions, opportunities and events.....which captured by the lens of our eyes and stored in the memory of mind..... Though that moment is short-lived ......but the memory it leaves behind lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever....what lies in us is between that Hello and Goodbye.....and that remains Forever.


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