The Games We Played

The Games we played before ........बचपन के खेल....... Reminisced by... Dr Tripti Milind Galgali ( 90s generation) Hubli. Each generation fondly reminisces the games played in childhood.The era before Technology and Gadgets....had rudimentary games. This blog,I want to share some games my generation played as kids...... I am sure many of you friends will surely relate with my this memory blog. The days were free-for-all playgrounds....and lots of space in front of houses.So obviously lots of varieties of outdoor games options were available those days. We were many kids of all ages....boys and girls...... Every day in the evening, all of us would gather and play group games. Yes.those were the weren't packed off to tuitions after school hours.....just few hobby classes...not a hectic schedule packed like today's young ones are burdened. Lagori was our favorite A pile of various sizes of stones would be stacked one above other in centre and 2 teams would be formed. The stack of stones would be disturbed by one team with a ball aimed .Then the same team had to restock the stones.and the other team wouldn't allow that team by hitting each member with the ball. The Equipments used for the play would be simple like stones, chalk, a ball .... The games involved everyone. These games required energy and team spirit. We didn't have to attend any workshops that built sense of discipline and team development in kids. Similar to Lagori.....was Chain, Hopscotch,Aatya Paatya ....Langdi...GilliDanda,Marbles.which required team management. When summers came, temperatures soared or Heavy Rains.....we kids played indoor games. Even indoor games were with pebbles....nothing fancy like the new generation has( Legos, Hamleys....Fischer Price....Barbies,And similar Branded expensive products) Just few pebbles, we learnt additions, Subtraction and multiplication. We learnt creativity and Mind games. Kanche, Pagadi aata, ( something like Lido).... The Holiday season had extended families visiting each elders too would join for game of Blindfold, Dumbcharades and Antakshari. As we grew older, we added Cards into our expertise of Indoor games. Challenge, Not at home,Rummy,and similar Card games were enjoyed during hot summers. With advent of Technology.....these simple games ,which didn't require anything....only lots of enthusiasm and energy......they got lost in the process of Modernization. Computers and AI brought different types of games. The games became expensive and more than enthusiasm.....they became Prestige and Peer issues. These games have become Addictive instead of Energetic . Team spirit is not developing....instead it is causing lots of mental stress and peer pressures amongst kids. The Games aren't bringing the kids together. They are gradually growing apart and lonely. The increasing detachment and depression in kids has alarmed every one. Reintroduction of the Games we played in the Pre- Technology era is slowly becoming popular. Kanche,Gilli Danda,Pagadi aata...GilliDanda.....have been marketed by some Startup sites. Kite flying competition are conducted. The Games maybe old but they have been packaged well to attract the Tech oriented kids of today. Make in India is now supporting our traditional wooden Channapatna toys. Dear Parents,please encourage these efforts to popularise our Indian traditional Games.Buy our traditional toys.Teach your kids our traditional games by actively participating yourselves too with them. Make the games Energetic, Interesting and Enthusiastic. Our Age old Games develop Bonding and Team spirit. Keep the games simple, safe....using easily available products.....and affordable for every kid. Involve kids of all strata and age in Games played in a Group. This brings discipline, empathy and responsibility in kids. Most important is Space today. Please, Government Officials....make free Space compulsory in a Housing complex....for kids to play. Just like My Generation fondly reminiscing those beautiful childhood days....sing... " This used to be my Playground.... This used to be the place we played......." Allow this AI generation enjoy carefree and energetic Games .....sans Fancy Technology and Exorbitant Gadgets. So as they grow up....they too can fondly sing.... बचपन के दिन......वो दिन भी क्या दिन थे.........


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