Satyagraha- A movement of Non violence.

India was under British Rule. Many people fought against the British Rule using Violence,Protests,.....wars,fights,Revolutionary methods, Bombing,Firing,masquerade. But only when Mahatma Gandhiji spread the Movement of Satyagraha- A Nonviolent approach to fight against the British Empire......this Movement spread all over India .....grassroots, youth,Men and Women.....every strata....every section of the Society......In the year 1947,August 15th ,India became Independence. दे दी हमें आजादी बिना खड़ग बिना ढाल साबरमती के संत तुमने कर दिया कमाल।।।।। India got years flourished in all fields. What brought India on the top of Global Platform is IT. With IT came Technology and AI. Information Technology brought Social Media. Social Media spread Instagram Twitter, On Line Tic Toc Reels YouTube videos....Netflix and OTT. People got influenced by everything and everyone. Public Awareness and Education became affordable and accessible. Grassroots too could easily access information regarding various services. Along with useful,interesting and innovative methods and ideas for better life and lifestyle of Mankind....... Violence too got promoted in Society through OTT platforms, Games,Reels and Videos. A Country which revered the Mahatma and his principles of Satyagraha..... Movies which showed extreme Violence, Bloodshed, Reels and Videos where Man hits Woman,Woman hits Man ...Kids hitting each other.... Games where points are earned by killing, shooting, Hitting ..... Social Media promoted Violence in Society and Money is earned..... It's appalling to see Media and Society encouraging Violence and Physical abuse and Violent Angry outbursts..... In a country, where just few days back,Lord Rama statue installation in Ayodhya was celebrated with fervor....the same Society has high cases of Dowry Deaths,Female feticide,Child abuse,Women assaulted.... We preach Nonviolence by paying Obeisance to Lord Rama and Mahatma Gandhiji..... but in reality.....Violence gets glorified.... What values are we teaching our coming generation.... A movie like " Animal" becomes a blockbuster grossing 100 Cr or more....which glorifies Bloodshed,Insulting Women,Promoting Aggresion,Angry outbursts Foul Filthy language ... and similar movies, Videos, Songs,Reels,Games are trending amongst all strata of Society... When such trends gain momentum in our are we going to prevent all this from happening in Reality.... Reel Virtual Violence and Aggressive behaviour has seeped into Humans ...that in reality too the incidents of Abuse and Violence have risen in Society. A Video had gone viral where a 2 year old was brutally hitting, Kicking and violently assaulting another 2 yr old in a Kindergarten school.... so much Aggression at such a small age was Surreal and Appalling. Who is to be blamed???? When we glorify Violence and Aggression as Adults .... how do we teach the little ones Nonviolence and Values of Respect, Tolerance,Self Control....towards each other ????? Why won't the little one not feel that it's cool and normal to abuse,hit,spit on,use foul language, smoke,drink,anger outbursts, killing, Bloodshed.....???? when the little one is surrounded by a Violent , Abusive, Aggressive Culture,Environment and Social media. Dear Friends , Mahatma Gandhiji spread Satyagraha- Movement of Nonviolence to end British Rule in our Country.The time has come to re spread and bring in the Satyagraha movement back in Modern India to stop Technology, AI in form of Social Media from promoting and spreading Violence in Society...... Lets reintroduce " Quit India Satyagraha Movement " to fight Violence, Aggression and Abuse in Society..... Spread Awareness and Importance of Nonviolence, Repect, Tolerance. Spread Peace..... Spread Yoga and Mind control. Promote Good Reading Habits ... Our India has rich culture and Books.Encourage kids to read Good Books ,Vegas,Upanishads who teach Good lifestyle, Ethics and values. Spread Sports.... encourage kids to play sports rather than sit in front of Mobiles and laptops. Discourage any influence which is detrimental for wellbeing of a healthy society . Bring the Mahatma and his principles in reality not in just Reels and Videos. The Satyagraha Movement begins again for fighting against the enemy within ourselves. Long Live Mahatma and Satyagraha.


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