Unsung Heroines of My Life.

Unsung Heroines of My Life. I have always got surrounded by strong Ladies in my life. For me,a Role Model,a person who inspires me....motivates me are simple people who accept their setbacks,the difficult challenges and situations of their lives,.Even in mediocrity, limited opportunities...they found path to better their life. With limited resources, they not only took the financial burden of family in difficult times but they brought up equally stronger and more responsible kids. My Aai and Ajji were 2 strong ladies of Pre independence generation. Ladies were hardly educated.Huge Family responsibilities. But each lady faced very tough situations by sheer strong mental strength. Post Independence, ladies got education till Degree colleges. This generation faced Recession in their Adulthood.Sudden shutdown of Industries,left many Men jobless.Lot of Financial setback where only one person earned and there were many mouths to be fed. This generation ladies truly inspire me. They had limited qualifications, limited resources and zero experience of getting jobs to take the financial responsibility of their huge big families...... Some ladies started odd jobs in whatever they were good at. Making Papad,Pickles,Masalas at home and selling them door to door. This is how Mahila Gruha Udyog and few prominent names like Lijjat Papad,Bedekar Masalas were started. Social Media and Society applauds only those who make Multi Crore worth business in Market. But the ones who faced the situations and in their simplicity changed not only their lives but people who came in contact with them ....remain Unsung and Forgotten. These ladies are so simple that they themselves don't feel their work is worth applauding respected or remembered. To all these Unsung ,Forgotten, Not Valued.......Ladies....... In Marathi....मानाचा सन्मान........ Felicitation Admiration Big Applause. Shaila-akka,Jayamma,Pratibha Tai .... 3 strong ladies is whom I dedicate today's blog. These ladies are my Husband's sisters. In tough financial period,these ladies not only took responsibilities of their Aged inlaws,dependent extended families,young children.....the entire household responsibilities.....but they found ways to face the sudden Financial setback they faced due to Recession. Shailakka gave Banking exams joined Bank.She worked with dedication and sincerity. That made her reach highest position in the Banking sector.She gave good education to her both kids ,made them independent. A strong lady who taught her both kids to be stronger and responsible. Jayamma and Pratibha Tai when faced Recession setbacks....they started Creche centre in their house.Their sincerity, honesty and loving affectionate care towards the tiny tots who were left in their care by Working Mothers in Metro Cities.....made them famous and sought after Jayamma also went on to add a Montessori and Playhome to ther Creche. These simple Ladies.....with limited resources......had a strong Foundation of Mental Strenth,Sincerity and Honesty......their Hard work added to this Strong Foundation. They could take the burden of Finances during the Recession Fall Out......and also huge Family responsibilities too. Dear Friends,these Unsung Heroines of My Life......teach me,inspire me,motivate me. One need not be resourceful to achieve anything. One need not be highly qualified to take Financial responsibility of Family. Opportunities don't come knocking at your door. Even with limitations and mediocrity,....but a strong will,determination and commitment to make our life better......can we make environment susceptible for us.Create simple moments....a big Opportunity for our growth. A strong Mind never succumbs to pressure. It's only our mental strength which motivates us to find path in most difficult situations. When destiny closes all doors for us.....it is sheer grit and determination in us....which forces a window.....to open for that ray of light and hope......which lightens up our room and life........ These simple ladies remain Forgotten because they haven't made to HALL OF FAME. But I use this Blog as a platform to applaud,appreciate all these simple ladies....who faced difficulties strongly. .They silently, humbly ,sincerely took household responsibility, financial responsibility in their lives. They imparted good education and values to their kids. They took care of their parents, in laws and extended families. Single handedly. I know Society doesn't acknowledge their efforts in name and Garb of " Responsibility and Duty" Today, words in vogue are " Work- Family Life Balance" ' Couple Goals" ' Women Empowerment ". These Unsung Forgotten Ladies....have set a right example for all 3 factors trending in Gen Z. They not only managed " Work and Family Life" Balance perfectly. At same time,they supported even extended family members,friends,neighbors,staff.....anybody who was in need was given the helping hand in whichever way possible.....inspite of Limited sources. Couple Goals.......They didn't succumb nor did they escape from the Recession Financial crisis, their Lives faced.With limited qualifications, resources and zero opportunities they accepted and took full responsibility of the Family. Marriage is not being together physically. But it is working as a team ... Family. Supporting, Motivating and Respecting each other is the Essence Of Being a Family. If today we stress on these values....which look very simple....taken for granted .... Under Valued Under Estimated. But if sincerely followed..... Then Depression, Disappointment, Suicides,Abondonment, Separation, Divorces.......Fights,Grudges,Disgruntles....Ego issues in Life,Family,Relationship, Work,Career and Society....... So many problems faced by Gen Z....... will get resolved. The Simplicity of the many people who found solutions to their big problems "just" simply, humbly,sincerely......is what I feel like highlighting in my Blog. My Humble Gratitude to these Strong Simple Ladies 🚺✨️💛🙏


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