
Numbers in my Life..... When I was in my mother's womb.. I was numbered in gestational weeks... I was scanned for the numbers in my Crown Rump cm..and my weight...grams.... As soon as they removed me....Numbers in my Apgar Scale were valued with the grams I measured on the Scale...... As I grew up.....again the Numbers in the month against my milestones decided my growth...... I entered school......I was taught to count on my fingers...1...2....3..... By the time I learnt the count of 10.....I was memorizing Algebraic Numbers and solutions...... And the Rat Race...of Numbers began..... Coaching Classes threatened me with Numbers to achieve Numbers..... Degree Colleges....made me see Numbers in my GPA score..... Campus me packages in Numbers.....I was exhilarated with the Numbers.....on my salary slip... But alas....The Race for Numbers didn't end. Instead they ruled my mind now. Targets to be achieved. Installments to be paid. When I retired....I heaved a journey with Numbers have now ended..... Numbers ruled me now. Blood pressure and Sugar..Lipid Profile.....played a different Number Game with me. First time....a low score of Numbers was celebrated. In the last innings of my Life....people are congratulating me for the Big Numbers of my Life I have lived...... Numbers Numbers my Life Never going to leave me ever. - Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli.


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