

I got a 40yr old lady for consultation regarding shoulder pain in my Pain Clinic. After examination, prescribed her pain killers.

She felt better but returned back after a month again.....

So after just a casual conversation, she revealed that she had habit of sweeping and moping her huge verandah.

I prescribed some muscle relaxants and adjuvant.

Next consultation, she was accompanied by her husband. 

The Man...made personal commitments on my looks...which almost edged to flirting .Then audacious addresses his embarassed wife" Look at yourself and compare with this Doctor. She is so fit and confident. "......

Most times,we Doctors, have to treat the person more than their disease....especially when I am treating Chronic Pain.

The cause of Pain in my patient.....on Face value was her Chronic Shoulder pain due to excess movement.....

But root cause was Anxiety due to constant pressure by her Spouse....the constant comparison.....the constant expectations.......

Anxiety is a common emotion experienced by Humans right since birth.

Initially the separation from Mother causes Anxiety in the Baby making it cry insolently. 

As we grow.....Schooling,Exams,Relationships, Workpressures,Kids,Health, many issues add up...resulting in stress and Anxiety.

Many a times,we seek comfort from our dear ones- Parents,Siblings,Relatives, Spouse,Teachers,Mentors,Religious Gurus,Spiritual Heads.......

For many, this Comfort Communication does help in relief of Anxiety and Development of Strength and Confidence. 

That is why Society has survived Anxiety......

But not all times......things fall into places.

I got another Teen....who consulted for back and neck pain.I found the Teen fidgety, Restless,and very Anxious.

The Teen found it stressful to even complete his 10th Boards.....The Anxiety and Stress went unattended and after a year resulted in Chronic Anxiety disorders. 

Dear Friends, Anxiety is such an emotion.....what looks and seems common, trivial and simple emotion felt by everyone......if not handled delicately well.....may result in few years into a Disorder......

It may grow into Low levels of self confidence, Restlessness, And at times....self harming like OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.....repetitive activities not related to anything......

Communication is key.

But if this Communication happens with inexperienced peers, parents or any Opportunistic unscrupulous person....who may misuse, misguide the vulnerability of emotions.......does prove disastrous in long run.

Dear Friends, 

Not all Anxiety episodes need help.Its a Natural emotion when in Stressful situations and Difficult Times.

But if even daily chores and innocent situations bring in deep emotions of Anxiety and Stress.......please seek help.....communicate with parents, Spouse,Teacher.....or a Responsible person.......

I stress a lot on Professional Counsellors.....

They give you a patient hearing about your feelings .They guide you to find face your change your strengthen your you the path for betterment of your life and relationships. 

Please don't feel shy to seek help.

At regular intervals, it's nice to attend such workshops which are being conducted. 

We must remember....a " Sound Mind"..... is very important for our" Sound Well Being".....

Dr Tripti Milind Galgali, 




  1. Yes, Anxiety is very very common but mostly not addressed properly ( like seeking counseling)


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