I am in the Middle

I am in the Middle Today I was doing my regular Morning walk in the big Cricket Ground nearby my home.Summer vacation have started here.Every year the Summer Cricket coaching Camp has started. I have been a regular in this Cricket Ground for many years. Earlier, just few girls...handful mostly daughters if sports persons were seen attending the Camp. This year,.....I saw many girls enroll. Just a thought...... Nowadays, many girls belonging to Middle class Families of 3 Tier cities are being supported by parents in field of Sports. Pre Independence and few years Post Independence.....only rich affluent class girls used to be seen pursuing education in professional courses. But as economy and Globalization improved......Middle class and low economic class girls started to break the glass ceiling. Past decade,Saint Nehwal, PV Sindhu,Mithila Raj,Smriti Mandana.....similar girls coming from Middle class homes and Tier 3 cities.....are making sports popular in young girls. They are encouraged by parents to pursue their dream in sports. This was not heard many years ago. I hail from Middle Class Metrocity. I have been fortunate enough being raised by supportive parents. Most Middle Class families fear taking risk or being adventurous as far as career is concerned. So kids are taught to stress on " Roti,Kapda,Makaan"...... Hence lot of importance was given on education and degree which enabled one to acquire a government job with steady income. With this attitude, the Girls of Middle Class families got a raw deal. Sports in Girls was only in school levels just to acquire Government jobs. Sports per se as a Career has never been encouraged with a few exceptions in most Middle Class homes. Sania Nehwal narrates how her father dissolved his Fixed Deposit savings to buy Badminton Racquet,Kit and other requirements for his daughter to pursue Badminton. Similarly many sports persons narrate struggles and rebels against parents to pursue their Sport as a career instead of regular Engineering/ Doctors Degree. Today these successful girls not only have put India on World Map....but they are an inspiration to many young girls hailing from Middle Class and Lesser privileged backgrounds from Tier 3 cities and mofussil towns. Sports in India has improved dramatically. A career in Sports has become lucrative in youth........ Routine Education based careers are no longer the norm in Middle Class homes to acquire" Roti,Kapda,Makaan". Women's Cricket IPL this year shot Smriti Mandana win the IPL trophy for Royal Challengers Bengaluru...... Something which dear Virat Kohli was unsuccessful for so many years....... I really felt proud today morning seeing young enthusiastic girls from Middle Class homes being accompanied by their proud Papa to train for Cricket this Summer. Middle Class has its own struggles and limitations. Neither are we Middle Class rich like the Affluent to be Adventurous Nor are we on the streets to take risks in life with zero fear of losing. We are indeed in the " MIDDLE". Our main intention in life is acquiring a " Stable Life "..... Good Education, Secure Job,and Comfortable Family life. When basic aim in life is mediocre...... Girls especially get a very raw deal. Encouragement and Support to pursue dreams .....is limited. But today, with a changing Mindset,Mentality and Globalization..... Girls are seen everywhere in every field. Sports too. Gymnastics, Athletics, Acquatics.....even the Formula One.....Girls from Middle Class homes are making India proud and are proving inspirational to the next generation. Dear Friends, do give equal opportunity and access to both your sons and daughters to pursue their dreams. I am in the Middle of that era...... I am Middle Class Upbringing....... I feel very happy to see Girls from my homes....Middle Class homes from humble backgrounds......become successful and fulfill their dreams. India is shining indeed for a brighter future.


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