My Tea Cup

My Tea Cup By - Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli. I purchased 2 sets of Tea Cups. One set was simple,plain,no frivolity.....sturdy and best bone china. The other set was dainty,attractive and had exquisite patterns....very attractive....Actually I fell in love with this set.....and wanted to show it to all guests who visited me.....My priced Possession. I went home..... Poured hot boiling water into both sets of tea cups...... Loh Behold!!!!! My priced Possession cracked under pressure of hot boiling water...... But the simple, plain but sturdy ones were ready to serve Tea to my Guests waiting....... Dear Friends....... How much we get influenced by outward appearance of anything and anybody...... We either get carried way....or we ignore or overlook...... Another aspect....this incident taught if basic foundation is strong.....only then can it sustain trying times or stress..... 2 points,I would like to talk in this blog...... In walk of life....we stress and are taught to stress on improvising our knowledge, wisdom,attitude,personality. But very few times,are we able to improvise on our character,mindset,outlook towards anything and everything in life. We don't allow deep thinking.....only shallow, superficial and outward appearance and presentation is given top priority. Our education system and parenting style also stresses more on knowledge and skills......but morality and mental choose between right and wrong.....virtues and vices.....Aspirations and never taught nor allowed to inculcate....... Hence,when any circumstances which don't go as per our wishes......or we are at make choices......or we get to encounter distractions or Indulgences....... When we are put under pressure or duress.....that could be anything- Financial, Exams,Competition, relationship turmoil,Health issues,a difficult environment.........a sudden change if climate,surroundings, people,workplace, work....... A shift in our Paradigm....or Comfort Zone....... We get shaken.....shattered......just like my Priceless Dainty Tea Cup...which crumbled under hot boiling water .... Dear Friends, Do stress on making our Foundation strong. How????? By Spiritualism. By Meditation. By Trust. By Love. A Close knit Family remains strong under any never drifts apart.... Instead a strong trusting relationship never succumbs to pressures. Instead the bond becomes even more stronger. A positive vibes ....a mutual confidence.....a interactive concern...... A strong mind....... Makes An Individual.....A Family..... A workplace.....A Nation......A Society......strong like that Grass which stands tall against every hurricane and storm...... My simple sturdy plain Tea Cup is serving tea to my guests for so many years.... Years of enduring hot boiling tea..... The color may have faded externally....but it's Bone China is growing sturdier with coming years.......


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