So Shallow So Deep

So Shallow So Deep. I was reading a book written by Sudha Murthy....she narrates an incident where she had gone to offer condolences to a neighbor whose octogenarian family member had expired. The whole scene was totally different from what she expected so much so that left her wondering " Have I come to the right address?" TV set was and some family members were watching....enjoying...there was laughter....ladies engrossed in their daily hustle bustle...... I too was witness to a similar funeral of an Octagenarian..... The rituals were performed under a Lady priest.The entire program was concise to just 1 hour or so.Mantras read in Sanskrit and translated in English for everyone to understand. The youth had also attended. today's Gen Z is disinterested in our traditions. After the Rituals..... The younger generation clicked pics to post on Insta Updates" # Cousins at Ajja's last journey"...... The Entire family got the opportunity to interact with each other. So As part of Reunion,Panipuri stalls, and Nostalgia was celebrated....obviously with memories of the beloved Octagenarian. Dear Friends, This is not a judgemental blog. This blog is only an overall outlook towards Modernization. Modernization made new outlook to age old traditions. A Female priest conducting rituals which was once Male dominated.....portrays Female Empowerment and Changed Mindset of Modern Families . Our life has become so fast paced and functions so expensive.....that one just can't afford days to be spent on functions and rituals. Hence everything is T20 overs....just few hours. Neither do we have time....nor money....nor patience for long cumbersome rituals and traditions. Impact of Social Media on all of us.....why blame the younger generation only..... We all love to be update our stay connected..... # I am here...... # ....some catchy one liner.... # Blog to be read by all...( including myself)....... Social Media has influenced and engulfed us totally. Another Apalling fact of life is..... Run against Time....Rat Race of Life. We have succumbed so much to the pressures of Life.....that we don't have time neither for ourselves...nor for family....nor to Celebrate Festivities....or happy Occasions....frequently....... So even a Funeral becomes an occasion to get together as a Family and Celebrate the few moments of togetherness. Thats Fact of our Life...... We have become Shallow about our so Shallow...... We are Deeply succumbing to pressures of truly Deep..... Anything, Anyone.... Everything, everyone..... Each Moment is Shorttlived due to very short Attention span..... That's Life.....gotta flow with it.... So Deep


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