Do we teach our Boys????

 In Ramayana, Sita got abducted by Ravana....after she crossed over the forbidden Laxman Rekha.....forcibly taken to Lanka.

In the end,Sita had to give the Agni Pariksha to prove her purity.

Later abandoned when she was pregnant and vulnerable....

Finally, she was forced to pray Mother Earth to take her back.

This was in Purana Kala.....long long years ago.

Then came the Nirbhaya incident in Delhi.

And now recently in Karnataka, a young girl was mercilessly stabbed by her batchmate when she refused to acknowledge his love proposal. The jilted lover boy just like Ravana couldn't tolerate the rejection. 

But though public outrage was seen.Sympathies to the girl were offered ..but.....


But fingers dud get pointed out to the girl and her parents....

Even in Nirbhaya case.....

The character of the girl in both cases

Just like Sita in Ramayana.....was questioned.

The girls forced to prove their morality....

The parents were blamed for the Upbringing of their Girl .....

So just like Sita opting to be taken back into Mother Earth......

Many times,the helplessness and shame forces the victim either end her life or vanish into oblivion.

In all the cases,.....

Ever fingers got pointed towards Ravana.....

Or the Males- Boy or Men....who were Predators......????

Did the Boys Parents blamed for wrong Upbringing of their boys????


Boys are born wild.

Boys get's Natural and Common.

Rejection hurts Male Ego....forcing them to commit it Ravana,or Nirbhaya...or the young girl recently. 

Boys are like Wolves....wild,and predators. 

Is it????

Girls are the Sheep....they are supposed to stay within their protective environment. 

If the Sheep makes the " Mistake" of crossing the forbidden Laxman Rekha ....outside their expected protective environment  .....

Obviously, the Sheep will be pounced over by the Predator Wolves.....

So it is entirely the fault of the Sheep. 

Neither did the Sheep take  efforts to make itself physically strong to face the Bad Wolves outside  ......

Nor did she retaliate when attacked.....

Nor did the Parents of the Sheep protect the Sheep.....

Nor was the Sheep taught values of not crossing the limits of Protective Environment  ......

Thus us mentality and opinion of majority minds.

Why don't we teach our Boys  ....

To be a Lion.....strong,powerful  ...but protective. 

Instead of a Wolf lurking to pounce over a Victim  ...a Predator   .....

Why don't we teach our boys right values of respecting Females....rather than eyeing them with just Lust?

Why don't we teach our Boys to control their urges,emotions and anger?

Why don't we teach our boys to face rejection.....a No is a No......?????

We need to teach our Girls to not be that timid Sheep......who allows Wolves to predate.

We make our girls " Lioness"....who is so strong.....that even a Wolf is scared of her.......

I am a Woman.

I am not a Sheep  

I am that Lioness...who scares the shit out of a lurking Wolf.

I teach my Girls to be this Lioness.

I teach my Boys to be the Lion- Strong ,Powerful but protective  .....not a lurking Wolf.......


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