Heartline- ECG

 ECG- Monitor which helps Anaesthesiologist in monitoring heart of patient. A very essential gadget for proper and safe administration of Anaesthesia. Also monitoring of heart in Intensive Care Unit.

For a working woman,the ECG which help her run her home,kids,and career.....is her Heartline....very important for her living......is her Househelp.

You realise the true value of another human being in your life.....after you get married.....and even more when you become a Mother.

Managing your home,taking care of your baby.....and dedicated service to ur workplace......all alone for a Woman is absolutely stressful,strenuous ....as if walking through a tight rope. 

Everyday is like performing a balancing act as a Trapeze Artist.

The Househelp ,especially when the kids are dependent upon a caretaker completely......is that partner who helps the Trapeze Artist take that " Leap Of Faith" confidently.

The Househelp is that person who herself is in a similar situation and understands how important is her support to the other Working Woman who has employed her.

Dear Women, yes.....Househelp too is a working woman .She too is juggling multiple reponsibilities in her life.She too is trying hard just like you to maintain that work family life balance.She too is daily walking over that Tightrope just like you.

I too have had many Househelps...till date.Ayesha bi...a young girl and her mother Mumtaz....in first years managed my home and took care of my first born.Then came Shobha and her mother Shantavva ....they managed everything....my younger one was so attached to Shobha...that she would cry when it was time for Shobha to go home in evening.

After that,Suma cooked hot meals for the family....and Lalitamma took full Respiratory of my Home.

The Heartline are these ladies...who take complete responsibility of  our family and home.....Especially your kids......

I could go out and dedicate my service as Anaesthesiologist peacefully....because of my these dedicated Househelps......

They were indeed my Heartline....my ECG.

Indebted to them Forever.


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