
 Mama Mamahood....

Pregnancy and Motherhood are two boons given to Women by the Almighty.
Both phases are considered " Rebirth" of a Woman.
A woman suddenly glows with love,Nurturing,affection......
Maya becomes Mamta.......
Actually yes.
A svelte sexy " Maya"......bloats up into a heavy,irritable Mamta......
I know....this sentence is definitely attracting infinite trolls from all.
Movies and social media portrays a " Glorified" image of Pregnancy and Motherhood.
A woman looking all glowing and beautiful once she becomes pregnant....
A mother connecting immediately with her child right from her womb and vice versa....
Each one instantly connecting with the other by a heartbeat.....
The mother full of love and affection....all sacrificing....wiping her tears and her kid's with the pallu of her saree......embracing.....
Yes....thus picture looks very mesmerizing....
Very similar to current Marketing Gurus ...trying to sell their products.....

But in reality......
We Women bloat up in pregnancy. Our body gets covered with acne,discoloration, white stretch marks,dark circles.....
Some of us get high blood sugars,High Blood pressure,Convulsions, Blurry vision,Fainting spells.....
Morning sickness.....which is a terrible feeling.
Difficulty in sleeping, walking....
Hormones give mood swings....
Your whole schedule and routine gets compromised.
But inspite of all this....what motivates and gives hope and joy to a pregnant woman.....
Seeing a life take shape....
A life grow from your own blood and body....
Especially when you see the tiny feet,hands,....moving inside.....on Ultrasonography.....
When you feel the kicking of the baby inside you.......
An absolute incredible gift of Nature for a Woman.....indeed.
Let me share with you.....
To connect with each other....A mother and never instant....
It does take never projected in movies and the Social media........
Both New Mother and her newborn.....yes....Both are apprehensive.
When I took my baby to feed for first time.....both were apprehensive.
My baby immediately caught my little finger tightly....." Will I fall?.... "
It was in due course of time the bonding between both of us developed.
Kids cry to express everything.
I remember my kid was crying incessantly, in paragraphs...almost an hour or so.....
I asked " Why are you crying?"....
My 2yr old....replied" Simply"........
Motherhood is never blissful.
There are no journals....which teach you .....
Each woman has to take her own path of Motherhood.
There is no perfect Formula for Motherhood.....
It's only trials and errors.
There are moments of desperation....exasperation....anger....
Towards your own " Bundle of Joy".....
You don't become a bad mother if you not so good ....not so loving feelings get experienced.......
Here,I read want to tell " Fathers"....
If you want to connect and bond with your work hard .Do contribute in raising the kid right since birth.
Dear Society,
Being a Mother...
Carrying a life in your womb....
Is a Blessing by Nature.
Seeing a life grow inside you,take a human form.....and as years pass by....this bundle grows up into an " Individual "....which resembles you.....but is not you....
Has your traits....your nature.....but is a different independent Personality......
But the love and affection from this Bundle gives immense joy and satisfaction to a Woman as a Mother.
One need not carry a baby for 9 months....or give develop Maternal instincts or be a " Mother".....One can be a Mother by Nurturing a child born from other womb.....
So even if your baby hasn't heard your heartbeat inside womb.....gradually the baby does connect with you if you shower your love to it.
The bonding and connection at times may not be instant.
Apprehension is there both ways.- Baby and Mother.
It's not natural ...or inborn in a Woman always.
The process is gradual.
Please don't glorify Pregnancy and Motherhood.
It's a part of the Journey of a Woman.
Not " The Sole Part"....
Priceless yes.
But it should not burden a Woman.
It' shouldn't be mandatory.
It's a Choice.......
But a Beautiful Choice......To opt for Motherhood
A cherishing journey .....with the child.


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