Moulding of my clay

 Moulding of my Clay.......

This week I got to read 2 Headlines. 

One about a Post graduation pursuing student in a Medical college, a 25 or something boy committed suicide .Reason being heavy stressful work schedules of Hospital duties as a Resident Doctor. Exhaustion,sleep deprivation, strict HODs,demanding protocols and working atmosphere.....the trigger being rejection if Thesis.....Frustration, Depression.....ended in Suicide.

The 2nd is the recent Pune Accident. A Drunken 17yr boy rashly drove his High speeding Porsche.....hit 2 people on bike who came in his way......

These incidents and the previous last month incident of a youth stabbing a girl in daylight in College Campus over Rejection..... whoever.....from Parents.....yes ....that's all A Parent can offer......

The incidents start debates on all Social Media.....Hot Hot debates...." Who is to be blamed?????"

Who is responsible?????

Sorry- Who should say?????

As a Parent me thinking.....Where did my Generation go Sorry in Parenthood???

Kids are like clay.How we parents mold them......they take the final shape when the clay hardens.....

I have many aspects to analyze this process of moulding when the clay is soft and the innocent minds vulnerable.....

The final product when clay hardens...becomes the character of the kid on reaching adulthood.

As Parents, we see ourselves in our kids.

Our expectations,Aspirations and desires if unfulfilled are passed onto our kids.

In this process,either we pressurize the kid or become overprotective about the kid.

This makes the kid insecure,dependent, indecisive in life.

Some of us parents get succumbed to pressures of society....and result in overpampering our kids.Such kids turn into over demanding, intolerant,apathetic brats.

Such kids most times refuse to accept failures and rejection in life.Then either the kid goes in depression, dejection,denial.....and God Forbid hurt self.

It may also happen ...instead of hurting self...may end hurting others and committing crime.

Parents love to shower their kids with gifts, games,gadgets.

Initially, a Toy car is gifted to the small kid which is motorized. As the small one zooms fast....everyone applauds and makes way,moving aside for the car to zip recklessly. 

When this same kid becomes a 10 to 12yr old, computer games are gifted by parents. So the kid recklessly drives his car on virtual media hitting everything and everyone who obstructs his him points and encouragement to behave reckless.

Problem comes when virtual reckless driving gets transferred to Real World.....

The Pune incident of a rich pampered,arrogant brat hit a biker who obstructed his high speeding Porsche....

Do the kids repent for their behaviour and attitude?


We parents have moulded the soft clay that way.......

Dear new parents, 

My generation moulded our soft clay this way.

Our clay has hardened to be insecure,dependent, vulnerable and resilient to any change.

Hence they fear commitment to anything, everything....anyone and anything.

They fear rejection, failure.

They fail to adjust and compromise. 

Do you want to mould your clay in this way??????


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