My Right...My Vote.

 Women Suffrage Right....

Right to vote in Political elections....

Women were not allowed to vote.

In 1920s, only privileged class Women got to vote.Later,educated Women got the right.But voting rights were given only to particular class of people...

Suffrage Rights movement became strong.Right to vote for everyone- irrespective of gender, class,color,religion, community, size,shape,region......Whether straight or  LGBTQ.....Black or white or yellow or any color.....

Men and Women both....

The 1st country to give Suffrage rights for Women was New Zealand. 

Indian Constitution was drafted in 1950.Indian Women got Suffrage rights in 1951.

Today is 2024.Almost 7 decades and more have passed......

India is having  Parliamentary elections. 

In Free Independent Democratic India....everyone is given Suffrage Rights.

But alas....hardly 40-50% of citizens feel it necessary to Cast Their Vote....Exercise their Suffrage Rights.

Very Pathetic scene for a 130Cr Population.....

Inspite of holiday being declared....all provisions given for public to come to polling booths and cast their valuable votes......even bedridden have ECI staff come home and help them cast vote.....

Even NRI and those out of India today can cast their vote.....

Majority even today...have a callous attitude towards Suffrage Duties.

There was a time,we Women took processions and protest wallks for equal Right to Suffrage.....

We fought for our Right to Vote.....

Today,when we have that Right......

Do we Women....Cast our Vote???

Hundreds of excuses- Family obligations, Work obligations, Health issues,Mood and Hormonal changes......

An Insult for all those Strong Women who fought hard for Voting Rights for Women in Society........

Dear Woman......

It's our duty.....our Right.....

My Vote....My Right.....

Every Vote is valuable for Country.

Choose the Right Candidate for a Better India.

Let our India be in the Right Hands.....

Do Cast Vote.

Jai Hind.


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