My validation

 My Validation ....

Mirror Mirror on the Wall 

Who is the Fairest of all .....

A story we have heard in childhood. 

Validation of being Fairest......

Since childhood, each kid especially we girls....are taught to seek validation from someone.....

It could be for looks,intelligence, skills,sports,,culinary, dressing........anything and everything. 

We must dress up to look good,.....we must be intelligent to impress others......

We must cook for others.....

We must learn to be creative or do anything for others.......

As young girls, we always strive to get validation from our Father.......

When we get married.....we crave for validation from our Husband......

I watched a movie " Dil Dhadkane Do"....

A mother craved validation from her husband regarding her looks....which she never ever got....So the neglect drove her into binge eating. 

Daughter craved for validation from the Father....she worked hard since childhood and succeeded in running her own business well ....but till end failed to get that validation from Father.

Dear Friends, 

Why are we Females ever craving and striving for Validation of what we are....what we achieved from others?????

Why can't we be our own Validation?????

Why ever we are doing anything and everything to impress or gather approval if others??????

Why don't we feel comfortable with our own being ....our own self?????

Why do we dress up to look good in the eyes of someone ?????

Why is the girl good looking only if boys find her attractive????

Why is a girl good in studies....or in sports...only if she out performs boys????

I too was caught in this ringmarole....since childhood. 

Thus developed a feeling of self degradation.......devaluation.....

The day....I stopped seeking validation from others.....

I valued myself......

I started seeking my own validation from myself.....

Doing things for myself.......

I felt happy being me.

I felt liberated ......

I am my own Woman......

Never allow anyone to judge your value......

And never value yourself on judgement of others.

My Validation is totally mine.

- Dr Tripti Milind Galgali 



  1. That's true...but I guess the younger generation( girls in this case) nowadays is so comfortable being themselves that they dint need that validation which or gen needed yes, things are getting better.


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